
Sabtu, 30 April 2016

Fish with more vitamin D

Vitamin D is a nutrient that can be obtained from the exposicóin to sunlight and very little food, including fish, but since there are a variety of these, today we show what the most vitamin D offer.
The following table lists the vitamin D content of fish concentrate greater proportion of this important nutrient for the body, it is not only useful to take care of our bones is shown.
FISH vitamin D
Per 100 grams
Herring 27 ug
Conger 22 ug
Smoked salmon 19 ug
Jurel 16 ug
Palometa 16 ug
9.9 ug salmon
Sardina 7.9 ug
Anchovy 7 ug
As you can see, most fish rich in vitamin D are oily fish, as lean white fish or have a lower proportion of this fat-soluble vitamin.

The rest of the fish are not here have 5 micrograms or less of vitamin D per 100 grams. Remember that are needed daily between 5 and 10 ug of vitamin intake with the above-named fish, we can cover very easily and thus prevent its deficit in our body.

Jumat, 29 April 2016

Antioxidant diet. Examples

If you pursue in your eating goals is to look for anything that benefits you and give you a youthful look, incorporating an antioxidant diet in your eating habits is the option you should take to get it.
It is noteworthy that the correct physical activity and basic healthy habits are a fundamental part to see you young and vital. In addition, food look like is key to enhancing your whole body machine that lets you maintain a formidable health part. Therefore, an antioxidant diet should begin to be taken into account for your next visit to the supermarket to properly organize your menus.
Antioxidants are molecules a totally beneficial for the body and manage to neutralize certain factors that are enhancers so your body gets sick.
Likewise, antioxidants prevent cellular aging that not only hurts gear our body but also makes us older. If you want to avoid oxidative stress of the skin, get healthy and youthful appearance, it is best to add antioxidants to your diet or contribute with what you eat to the production of these interesting substances in the body. We analyze therefore dietary antioxidant.
Correctly choosing what is thought to consume, guiding to the antioxidant diet, you can acquire the necessary ingredients for contributions antioxidants in your body:
It is recommended to consume tea; among major tea with antioxidant green tea and black tea is.
It is recommended to consume natural juices; do not be fooled with that industrial juices are the same as one that squeeze the freshly harvested fruit. Some foods such as oranges contain vitamin c and high and can be easily squeezed.
We recommend eating oily fish; including tuna and salmon highlights. Because the omega 3 contains antioxidant elements, we recommend incorporate fish in your diet.
We recommend adding seeds and nuts to your meals; this practice you ensure incorporate elements that contain antioxidants. Almonds they stand out, the seeds of sunflower, peanuts and granola.
You should drink a glass of wine daily; if you are a controlled person, a daily cup carry him with the necessary antioxidants.
We recommend eating berries; strawberries, grapes, raspberries and blueberries among others are recommended consuming to add antioxidants in your body.
It is recommended to consume olive oil; to spice up your dishes, take advantage of the virtues of olive oil that also has polyphenols, unsaturated fats and vitamin e.
Do not forget to go to your nutritionist for starting any type of diet and ask about antioxidant foods.

Kamis, 28 April 2016

The dangers of the vegan diet

It is understood as a vegan, the person who does not consume food derived or from an animal, is not eat meat, poultry, eggs, milk, among others. Many people wonder, it is the same vegans vegetarians? 

What are the dangers of vegan diet?
They are not the same: vegetarians can eat some other animal products such as milk or eggs. Instead, the vegan diet is more strict and absolutely not consume anything that comes from animals.
Is it compatible vegan diet and healthy life? Yes, but it requires an exquisite effort to meet the normal shortcomings in this life.
If you thought about starting this type of diet, you should know the dangers of vegan diet which can incur and risking your life. Then I'll tell you:
The 5 main dangers of a vegan diet.
Dangers of vegan diet
Although vegan diets are rich in many vitamins and minerals, consider that by not consuming any food from animals, it lacks many essential nutrients and therefore tend to be unhealthy.
With a strict vegan diet may encounter the following problems:
- You can present lack of omega-3 fatty acids: Fish are the main carriers of omega 3 fatty acids. By not eating this food, your body will present lack of them, and may even be problems related to cardiovascular health.
- You can have anemia: If you take this very strict diet, one of the dangers of the vegan diet is anemia, because your diet may lack enough iron and vitamin B12. These nutrients can find them in eggs, liver, meat.
- Weak Bones: It was found that those who maintain a vegan diet, acquire or consume on average 5% less calcium and vitamin D, and these are necessary for our bone health.
- Other hazards that can occur in your health is to have low values ​​of protein: Protein is mainly obtained from animals without any food from them is very difficult to meet the minimum required by your body.
- Insufficient Vitamin B12: This failure represents a potential risk for people who do not eat any kind of meat and can mainly impair cardiovascular health.

If you want to practice this type of food, it is important that you contact a nutritionist specialist, for this I recommend foods you should consume and do not affect the dangers of the vegan diet.

Nutritional anemia

Anemia is defined as a deficiency in the number or size of red blood cells or a decrease in hemoglobin (protein that carries oxygen) they contain.

Although some types of anemia are caused by bleeding, genetic diseases or chronic illnesses, most anemias are caused by a deficiency of the nutrients required for normal formation of red blood cells, mainly iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid.
These anemias are called nutritional anemias.

The main nutritional anemias are:

Iron deficiency anemia

This type of anemia due to iron deficiency is the most common nutritional anemia in the population. It is characterized by small production of red blood cells and low hemoglobin and can cause symptoms such as fatigue, palpitations, decreased learning capacity, lower strength for heavy work, lack of appetite or stunted.

Preventing this type of anemia it is done by eating iron-rich products such as meat, fish, chicken, liver, prepared from blood, cereals, legumes and green leafy vegetables.

The availability of iron in these foods varies from each other and while the iron from animal foods is well absorbed (about 15%), iron in plant products is absorbed in smaller amounts (3-8%) .
It is important to note that there are substances like vitamin C (found in fresh fruits and vegetables) that increase iron absorption, while other substances such as oxalates, phytates and tannins (found in unrefined grains, soybeans, tea or coffee) that decrease iron absorption.

Megaloblastic anemia
This type of anemia is due to deficiency of folic acid and vitamin B12 and is characterized by the production of large, immature red blood cells. The main causes of this type of anemia include a diet low in fruits and vegetables and inadequate absorption of folic acid due to the consumption of drugs or alcohol or that the person has celiac disease diet.

Preventing this type of anemia it is done by consuming foods rich in folic acid such as liver, fish, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits and cereals.

Pernicious anemia

AnemiaEs prevent a type of megaloblastic anemia is due to vitamin B12 deficiency and causes weakness, fatigue, hair loss, irritability and memory loss. This deficit is caused by a lack of intrinsic factor (protein necessary for the absorption of B12 vitamia diet) and in rare cases as a result of a strict vegetarian diet as this vitamin is found exclusively in animal products.

Preventing this type of anemia it is done by consuming products rich in vitamin B12 such as meat (mainly beef and pork), eggs, milk and dairy products.

Other nutritional anemias

There are other less common types of nutritional anemia and sideroblastic anemia (due to a deficiency of vitamin B6) or anemia due to copper deficiency.

Rabu, 27 April 2016

Food - Nutrition - Diet - Diet What do they mean? PART II

NUTRITION, FOOD DIET AND DIET four widely used but little known concepts.

At present, the company is heavily involved in issues related to supply, demand more and better nutritional information and establishes discussions about it in various sectors of everyday life.

But really, do we understand the meaning of the terms ?, is the same feed that nourish ?, what do we mean by "dieting" ?.

In this article, we will try to resolve these doubts and clarify concepts that although we use in everyday life, we do not know its true definition.

Food vs Nutrition.

Feed means form and way to provide the body with foods that are indispensable. While the WHO (World Health Organization) defines nutrition as food intake in relation to the dietary needs of the organism.

Therefore, it is noteworthy that food and nutrition are essentially different concepts: food is a result of a series of activities, conscious and voluntary, under which the human being unfit for consumption substances is provided, the splitting them modifies, cooking them, etc., and just inserting them in the mouth munching, also consciously.

From here begins nutrition; these foods are digested in the digestive tract, containing nutrients are absorbed and transported to the tissues where they are used, and all this is done unintentionally and unconsciously.

In short, any of us can choose to eat meat or vegetables but instead does not depend on us or not absorb all the nutrients contained in such foods.

Diet and dietetics.

The word diet comes from the Greek dayta, meaning "way of life". In many contexts it is used synonymously with diet, referring to the set and amounts of foods commonly consumed.

Confusion or error with this concept arises, being popularly associated with reduced food intake in order to lose weight or maintain a certain body weight.

As a result, dietary science that studies how and art of combining foods in order to make a way and style appropriate and healthy eating based on the physiological, psychological and socio-cultural needs of each person arises.

dietitian Nutritionist

Finally, it is the dietitian, health professionals, recognized expert who has the ability to intervene and address all these concepts and detailed above, either individually and collectively.

Selasa, 26 April 2016

Food - Nutrition - Diet - Diet What do they mean? PART I

Surely you've ever heard 'Monday I start the diet', 'I have to put on a diet'. But what it is really a diet? Well, to clarify these issues we will start by explaining some basics.


Food is a voluntary process by which we choose the foods we eat.

Food and nutrition
However, nutrition is the set of processes through which the body uses, transforms and incorporates by feeding a number of substances found in food, nutrients.

That is, not nutrition can control, it is an involuntary process.

So that we are well nourished we must have a proper diet, and it only depends on us.

Despite this, currently the supply is clearly influenced by advertising, lack of time to prepare food and work schedules that make us eat faster and precooked foods.

But our food is perfectly educable, highlighting at this point that the habits formed in childhood affect very significantly at maturity and therefore we must emphasize the importance of good nutrition education for the children of the house .

Another highlight is the fact that our diet affects our health, citing a person consuming excess animal fats have more risk of heart disease, obesity, etc. Our food also is marked by social, cultural and economic factors, but also the energy and nutrient needs have to be covered.


Dietary is how to use food properly. Normally we talk about this term in healthy individuals, when we do not use diet to treat disease, but to prevent them.

Diet and diet

Diet is simply what we eat every day, creating our eating habits.

A diet does not necessarily have to be low in calories but provision is made in society generally, because these diets are low in calories, and are destined to lose body weight.

To maintain proper nutritional status, we incorporate into our diet a variety of foods daily and weekly basis since there is no food that alone contains all the necessary nutrients for our body to function properly.

Also point out that there is no taboo foods, no food is bad, the problem comes when we eat too much. For example, fats are essential in our body because they play a very important role at the cellular level, and is also the vehicle through which some vitamins are absorbed. But if we eat too much fat, we run the risk of becoming overweight, high cholesterol or triglycerides.

Important points:

Our diet should be adapted to our age, sex, height and physical activity. You do not need the same amount of energy a 6-year-old teenager, or a sedentary person will need fewer calories than an athlete.

We have to enjoy eating using cooking techniques that allow us to prepare tasty dishes and healthy at the same time.

Eating well is not synonymous with eating a lot as an abundant food can be lacking some nutrients.

Ideally, we eat a little of everything since both excess or lack of one nutrient can cause us disease.

In short, our diet has to be varied and balanced.

Fast food Only occasionally, best homemade and quality

With fast food some young people are clear, "I know it's bad but I like it." It is the "junk" food. They prefer a burger or pizza, fast food, a dish of chickpeas. A study says that 73% of young people between 14 and 20 years old come daily or almost pizzas, burgers, fried chicken or sausage sandwiches loaded accompanied by french fries, and 45.4% said that every day eats bakery and sugary drinks. 85% recognize that it is not healthy, but they do.

Customs group, affordable prices, advertising .... The journal Nature recently reported that these customs have a scientific basis for a brain reward mechanism is activated when certain ingredients, same as when an addict needs drugs, because of the polysaccharides easily digestible as starch producing a rapid rise ingested levels of blood glucose and produce feelings of satisfaction.

Many chips, sugar sauces used as seasoning, and as a final great pleasure. Moreover, the "trans" fats from cheap hydrogenated oils appear in baked, fried and some margarines products, not rancid, can improve the duration, the taste and texture of the products but are dangerous to the heart.

Fast food, their food proliferation came the 60s and spread its low cost as part of the pastries, snacks and fast food they consume every day millions of people. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) says that can cause diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol and other serious problems and recommends physical exercise, avoiding obesity and replace burgers, fries and fizzy drinks for burger butcher, boiled potatoes and water or milk cocoa, nuts and chopped fruit and bakery for homemade desserts. And to better teach children healthy habits and avoid possible fast food.

Good eating habits for children

Good eating habits for children, the period of life that covers preschool and school age is from 3 to 12 years, and is characterized by significant advances in learning and personality development of children. There is a soft physical growth and it is time to develop good eating habits. The noon meal usually made in the study center for parents and are four key moments of their food: breakfast, midmorning, afternoon tea and dinner. The child and parents receive information from different points but it is important that comes through the television, and parents often are not clear.

Only an absolute conviction that health is at stake and physical and intellectual future of children will allow correct criteria apply. These can be: A good breakfast, juice or fruit, milk, yogurt or cheese or bread and cereals; animal protein, fish, meat, eggs and milk or milk if there is no other way, in purees; complex carbohydrates, boosting cereals, potatoes and vegetables, which provide fiber, low fat calories and slow; especially milk and milk yogurt, whole if the child is accustomed, with monounsaturated fatty acids (olive oil) and polyunsaturated omega-3, very important calcium and yogurt with live lactic acid bacteria that regenerate the intestinal flora.

The bread is irreplaceable and must be present daily in sandwiches are the best tentepie and great morning snack; not forget that the snack is essential away from pastries and loaded with fat "trans" very harmful industrial pastries; always cook for children with iodized salt, because they eat fish with difficulty and iodine is essential for brain development; fresh fruit and vegetables to ensure vitamins A and C, even in smoothies or disguised with other dishes that provide protection against infections; promote the consumption of nuts (walnuts, almonds, etc) midmorning with the corresponding packet or snack; not eating breakfast, snacking or never dine alone, the family is fundamental, and are curious if the kitchen can be fun to enhance the taste of food and so create good eating habits in children nuestroa.

Too much healthy food?

As always, all extremes are bad. If you only eat what you consider "healthy foods" possibly not you're giving your body everything it needs.

Even more so now that we live in the most chaotic time of nutrition: while in some areas of the planet is struggling to eradicate hunger, in others it is the great evil obesity and get the food that reaches our table is at least adulterated possible. And also tastes good.
Thus, while some settle survive hunger, others are obsessed with eating as healthy as possible. With this obsession with healthy food, it has reached a new eating disorder known as orthorexia.

Is it your case?
You're an authentic expert in naturopathic nutrition, buy food in shops special dietary and at home only find whole grain products, meat and organic dairy, algae, soybeans, fruits and vegetables organically grown.
Are you crazy waiter with questions about ingredients when you go out to dinner? Or you do not even come from? Read the latest in nutrition and alarms you with news about "mad cow", "bird flu" and dioxins. You really like to live on a farm and have your own garden for self-stock up without having to rely on the current food chain.

Side effects
It's okay to be cautious and not abuse processed foods, it is clear that we must go back to eating a natural way to have more health, but you can not control everything, you can not stop eating dairy for fear of livestock antibiotics, or stop eating chicken for fear hormones, or stop eating fruits and vegetables because they contain pesticides and preservatives. Although at first glance the obsession with healthy eating does not seem worrisome eventually it leads people to hyper- or vitamin deficiencies, anxiety, depression, hypertension and osteoporosis and other diseases.

What can you do?
Relax before having a serious problem, it is impossible to control everything you eat, your body thinks it also has cleaning systems and cleaning to eliminate harmful substances without risk. Try eating a healthy diet, but that does not limit your life. While you were to live the farthest planet in search of the most "pure" diet, there would always be factors such as pollution of groundwater, wind, rain, etc., which affect the quality of food.

Senin, 25 April 2016

How to smarten slimming diet?

Many women and even men looking to lose a few kilos, but often fail in the attempt and either stay the same or worse. First of all, one must be fully committed yourself to achieve your goal.

Weight loss is relatively easy and carry out a diet so is, as long as one has the willpower and change the lifestyle and eating habits, then we present below a number of tips that you must perform to that you put the batteries and not fail in weight loss and carry out your diet.

How to smarten diet to lose weight? Being with well placed batteries slimming

Here are some tips:

It is motivated.
Be constant.
Improve eating habits.
Using diets that really serve and are balanced, ie they have the necessary nutrients. And not deprived of any nutrient for a certain time. Crash diets only decompose the body.
Never avoid breakfast, it is the main source of energy to start the day. It is proven that those who do not take tend to gain weight instead of lose.
Combine your diet with exercise.
Watch your diet.
Eat more but fewer times, thus activating your metabolism will be.
Drink plenty of plain water.
When you feel the need for some whim, better eat some fruit or drink water. If flat you can not stand, eat only a little, that kill the worm.
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
When you do exercises, your movements are constant and gradually increases the intensity for best results. For example, if you're running on your treadmill, outdoors or bicycle, carrying a normal pace and occasionally turn gives a drag race half a minute, that helps burn fat faster.

Many times a specific diet is not necessary, but sufficient care food and avoid foods with high caloric intake, as junk foods.

Finally, you must be persistent in order to lose weight and not fail in your diet, remember that self depends on your goal.

What happens to food in the body?

With the thought of eating, the body begins to secrete insulin, a hormone that helps control the amount of sugar (glucose) levels. Insulin is produced by the pancreas. As you eat, the more insulin is secreted in response to the carbohydrates in the food. When you eat foods rich in protein, insulin is secreted, but more slowly. If the pancreas works well, the amount of carbohydrates you eat is what usually determines the amount of insulin to be secreted.

As you digest carbohydrates, they enter the bloodstream as glucose. To keep under control blood glucose, insulin tells the body's cells to take up glucose from the bloodstream. Cells use of glucose for energy and store elsewhere for later use. The way glucose is stored depends on the type of cell that stores. Muscle cells store glucose as glycogen. Liver cells store a part of the glucose as glycogen and fat make elsewhere. Adipocytes store glucose as fat.

Special Remarks on corn syrup high fructose: this syrup was introduced in 1978 and about 1985, had replaced sugar in most soft drinks. The total annual consumption of sugar (excluding artificial sweeteners) immediately increased from 120 pounds per person to 150 pounds per person. The corn syrup is high fructose 55% fructose, 42% glucose and 3% of other carbohydrates. An important fact about fructose: is the carbohydrate that the body converts fat more easily. By digesting corn syrup high fructose, glucose largely containing ends in the bloodstream, thereby increasing blood sugar. However, this syrup fructose is almost entirely processed in the liver, which has the right to perform this task enzymes. Therefore, fructose has no immediate effect on insulin and blood glucose, but it has many long-term effects.

The liver is not ready to process the amount of fructose that most people currently consume. The fruit has quite small amounts of fructose; a cup of blueberries contains about 30 calories of fructose. However, soda or juice sweetened with corn syrup high fructose have much larger amounts: 12 ounces of Pepsi or Coke has 80 calories of fructose; 12 ounces of apple juice has 85 calories of fructose.

The answer to this avalanche liver fructose is convert most of it to send fat and fatty tissue. At the same time, the glucose that comes with fructose corn syrup high fructose raises blood glucose levels and causes the body to secrete insulin, which tells fat cells to store all received, including fructose converted into fat from the liver.

The more corn syrup high in fructose and consume the more years consuming countries, the body will adapt more to convert this fat syrup. Over time, fat accumulates in the liver (condition called hepatic steatosis and is known as "fatty liver disease"). In other words, while fructose has no immediate effect on the content of sugar and insulin levels after a few years, probably it will cause the body to store calories as fat.

As the glucose from the bloodstream is removed, insulin concentration decreases and the cells begin to use fat as fuel instead of glucose. Therefore you can spend extended periods, such as overnight, while you sleep, without eating. Cells use fat as fuel.

Two types of body fat: fatty acids and triglycerides. The fatty acids are small enough to get in and out of cells, which can be used as fuel. Fat is stored in adipocytes as triglycerides, ie three fatty acids attached. Triglycerides are too large to pass through cell membranes, therefore, they are stored for future use.

Insulin plays a key role to tell the body when to store and use fats and proteins. It makes controlling the action of two enzymes, lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and hormone sensitive lipase (HSL).

LPL is located on the surface of cells, extracts the fat from the bloodstream and carries into the cell. If the LPL is a muscle cell, fat leads into the cell, where used as fuel. If the LPL is an adipocyte, fat leads into the cell and becomes more fat.

Importantly, the hormone estrogen inhibits LPL activity of adipocytes. This might be one reason why some women gain weight after menopause or after treatment of breast cancer greatly reducing estrogen levels. With less estrogen in the body, the LPL may take grease into adipocytes and store there.

Adipocytes to have less fat, the HSL enzyme breaks down triglycerides into fatty acids which can then leave the adipocyte and used as fuel by other cells. Therefore, the higher the concentrations of HSL, more fats are broken down and burned.

Insulin lowers the concentration of HSL enzyme, which prevents triglycerides decompose and results in higher amount of fat stored in adipocytes. When insulin concentration is high, even by a small margin, fat accumulates in adipocytes.

Some research suggests that maintaining stable insulin concentration may help some people lose weight. Eating healthy sources of protein and fat (lean meats, fish, poultry, nuts and seeds), and complex carbohydrates that are good sources of vitamins and minerals (vegetables, fruits, whole grains) instead of refined carbohydrates (sweets , sugar, sweet biscuits, cakes, white bread, cakes), can help prevent insulin spikes.

Minggu, 24 April 2016

SURIMI (baby eels, sea mouths ...): Can replace the fish?

Baby eels with garlic, gulas calories
This time we show you a prescription for baby eels in garlic with black pepper.
It can serve as the main course of the meal.
Surely some of you plan to do or eat a gulas this Christmas, right?
So we want to give you some information about this product:
A serving of 100 g provides about 200 calories, more or less like a hake fillet 300 g. As you can see, the guides provide significantly more calories than a white fish such as hake. Let's see why, and if they could replace fish.
The word "surimi" comes from Japanese and means "minced fish muscle".
That is precisely the raw material for fish sticks, sea mouths, gulas ...
They have a high protein and low in carbohydrates (about 5%).
In general, except precooked products with batters (drumsticks type of crab), they have a low to medium fat content.
The major disadvantages compared to fish is containing a low content of vitamins and minerals, and also have more sodium.
And specifically the guides have a higher percentage of fat than most white fish.
Whereupon, the dietary recommendation is that we can consume surimi occasionally (1 time every 10-14 days) but without replacing one serving of fish or shellfish actual because their nutritional properties are very different.

Japanese food: sushi recipe and the secret of rice

The Sushi is a dish that is part of the Japanese diet that has become popular internationally and today can be found in Japanese restaurants present in all cities and other varieties that offer this dish, that level of popularity we could equate Italian pizza, and like this, the original recipe suffered hundreds of variations and adaptations to the local cuisine of each site.

The word sushi could be translated as "vinegared rice" because the word its Japanese for "rice" and rice vinegar shi. Originally, this Japanese dish, sushi, rice is cooked whole life but has been seasoned with rice vinegar, and is accompanied by fish, vegetables or even fruit in their boldest versions.

Making sushi is easy, although it is difficult that the first time we do is perfect. The most difficult step is to roll it up, but practice will help us overcome this barrier easily.

Since rice is the common ingredient in all varieties of sushi the first step will cook rice in perspective, neither crude nor past, has to be a little sticky due to starch, to help us to prepare this dish.



A maki sushi is the part which is wound by a nori seaweed and rice has a unique ingredient in the center. The most classic ingredient is a fish, tuna or salmon, but today we have varieties that carry fish instead of mango, avocado, cucumber, canned mussels or other ingredient, the limit is your imagination.


- 1 nori
- 250 grams. sushi rice cooked and seasoned with rice vinegar
- Red tuna
- Cream Cheese

In our case, we will make the classic tuna maki, so the first step is to choose the tuna must meet these criteria to be quality:

- It rosy, that is not too red because it would mean that bled.
- It is not advisable to have black spots, as it would signal a poor blood clotting.

Cutting the fish has to be elongated in the form of cubes (rectangles) elongated. The correct name of this geometric figure is a cuboid. The piece has to be long and to remember that then cut it into eight pieces to build our maki.


Rice must be washed several times to removing the starch, and then remember not uncover once cooked. water twice put rice, cook until about 15 minutes, then, without unclog have to let stand 15 to 20 minutes. Once it has rested and has cooled, we put the rice in a bowl and add rice vinegar and stir.

Council trick: Japanese rice cooks cooled with a fan, never with cold water or in the refrigerator.

The nori has two faces, one bright and one that does not shine. We will place the shiny side down in the center of a mat for a purely aesthetic issue.

Once we cooled rice, we moisten hands so that we are not sticking rice to work with him, we catch the rice without muss and give out evenly over all the algae with a height of about 1 cm. What we spread over cream cheese to transmit more softness to maki and put the strip in half bluefin tuna maki and we can roll it up. Now only will we cut into 8 pieces and serve.

Dukan hamburger with vegetables en papillote - Recipe Recipes Dukan diet Dukan diet, diets Recipes

Following the aim of our website, which is getting tasty and appetizing recipes for different diets, so if you came looking for recipes for microwave, in this post not tell you how to make a hamburger in the microwave. This time we present a recipe is very popular among fans of the famous Dukan Diet, a hamburger served with grilled vegetables or papillote papillote (you can tell both ways). Another advantage is that this recipe served from the cruise phase.

Dukan burger


To discover that many people can lose weight and lose weight eating hamburger is surprised, but the Dukan method is always allowed and when we consider that our burger will have to meet a number of requirements. The main requirement is that it must be beef or beef, no pork, and the cut will have to be steak, and if you have fat removal. In addition we will not use breadcrumbs, although we may use some salt and spices to our liking and the maximum amount of oil a day, or less, according to our tastes. Without further ado, on with the recipe slimming diet Dr. Dukan.


This recipe name appears in a trendy restaurant that put almost all the ingredients in the name of the dish :)


How to make the best burger: Ingredients for one person. I know it's sad, but I'm the only home you need diet :(

- Minced beef steak or beef fat.
- Black pepper (if you prefer, you can add spices you want)
- Salt

Personally I like hamburgers very meaty taste, so I do not add anything more, but you can make inventions and put some chopped onion or put the dough egg (the white and yolk) to knead. If you are in the attack phase you can eat quietly this burger if the kitchens grilled, grilled or grilled with almost no oil. Accompanying vegetables can eat only from the cruise phase. Many people ask us how to do a full burger, but with this regime will be the most complete vegetable meat :)


Here we will choose the vegetables we like more and that are suitable for the method of Dr Pierre Dukan from the cruise phase: my favorites are carrots, zucchini, onions, asparagus and peppers, plus mushrooms - I know they are not vegetables - who they are eligible for this scheme.

- 1 carrot
- 1/2 zucchini
- 1/2 onion
- 3 green asparagus
- 1/2 pepper
- 1 sprig of dill
- 3 mushrooms
- 1/2 tsp virgin olive oil

My suggestion is that probéis different spices such as dill, anise, bay leaves, cumin, ... until you find the one you like.


Season the minced meat with black pepper and / or spices you have chosen and salt. Amasa i give the shape and size you want. You put up the grill or electric grill and make the point that you like best for each side.


Cut the vegetables into julienne or to your liking and mushrooms quarter. You put all the vegetables on aluminum foil and sazonas with 1/2 spoon desserts. completely close the foil wrapping vegetables and folding the junction of the two sides of the foil until it is completely closed without any opening. Bake at about 225 ° C temperature for 15 minutes and you'll list the papillote. You need only serve and emplatar as in the picture above, although it is only a suggestion of presentation.

You know what diets consist of a single food?

A single food diet can lead to rapid weight loss, among other reasons for its low energy content.

There are many miracle diets that are based on the consumption of a single type of food:

Artichoke diet
Apple diet
Grapefruit Diet
Chicken Diet
Egg diet
Diet bacon
Rice Diet
Diet pulp
Maple Syrup Diet
Potato diet
Soup diet eat-fats, etc.
As an example, apple diet contains less than 1,000 kilo calories, ie half the energy consumption of a normal diet. What they do not say who the advocate is that if prolonged can cause serious deficiency states minimally, as a single food does not contain, let alone all the necessary nutrients for the body. Moreover, the weight loss at the expense it is apples muscle mass and water loss.

Are often promoted with the promise of very healthy effects beyond simple weight loss: detoxifying, diuretic, reducing cholesterol, etc., without such claims have no scientific basis.

A common factor to all these diets is that they are very monotonous, excessively low-calorie, which often cause intense hunger and cause undesirable side effects such as intestinal problems: bloating, cramping and diarrhea, or in some abdominal cases swelling. They can also cause anemia, anxiety, irritability, dry skin, hair loss, cold intolerance, and other specific effects of deficiency states.

Finally, the main problem of a single food diets is called yo-yo effect, since the weight that may have lost recovers very quickly from the time the energy intake of a normal diet is resumed.

Almost Cheesecake Sugar for Diabetics

The following recipe will give you an idea of ​​a dessert that was obviously well thought of by a diabetic and containing a controlled amount of sugar; therefore it is very healthy ... and who would not like a cheesecake?

For the base:

Cracker crumbs: 1 ¾ cups
fat free butter ½ cup
Cinnamon ½ teaspoon
For the cheesecake:

1 cup water
Unsweetened lemon gelatin 1 package
Vanilla extract 2 teaspoons
Cream without fat 1 cup
Fat-free cream cheese 1 Pack
Preparation Base:

Preheat oven to 175 degrees C - 350 degrees F.

Take a bowl and mix butter, graham cracker crumbs and cinnamon. Mix well.

Spraying a little flour in a skillet so that the base does not stick. Press the mixture into the jump, creating a mold or based on where you will put the mixture of cheese will do next.

Bake in the oven for about 9-10 minutes at 350 degrees and then set aside to cool.

Preparation of cheesecake

In a bowl beat the cream cheese mixture and vanilla until smooth.

Boil a cup of water, then dissolve the gelatin in it. Put this aside and let the mixture thickens slightly. Be careful not to cool down, because if that happens then it will stick

Add the gelatin to the cream cheese mixture and vanilla, and then put it in the whipped cream.

Pour this mixture into the base was done before. Put this in the refrigerator overnight.

Fruit desserts for diabetics.
Depending on the fruit used, this can also increase the amount of blood sugar, so be sure to use appropriate fruits.

My point is that you need to research several recipes for yourself and adapt them to your taste. For example, here it is one that a friend gave me, and it's one of my favorites!

Almost Cherry Pie Sugar for Diabetics

2 cans cherry seedless (canned in water)
1 small package sugar-free vanilla pudding
1 small package cherry gelatin
4 teaspoon Splenda (sugar substitute)
1 loaf of 9-inch pie, baked

Drain cherries and pour the juice into a saucepan.

Set aside cherries.


Pour the pudding into the juice from the cherries, put the heat and stir with a whisk until the mescla is boiling.

Continue stirring until the mescla becomes thick and bubbly.

Remove from heat.

Add the gelatin powder and Splenda and stir until blended well with pudding and cherry juice.

Add the cherries and mix until coated at the previous mescla.

Transfer the mixture to the pie dough and let cool completely. Put in the refrigerator for about three to four hours.

Varying the ingredients of this recipe, you can make delicious desserts for diabetics allowed.

You can make cakes of different fruits such as apples, peaches and even pumpkin. Do not forget to take into account the quantity and type of fruit used to that way you can calculate the amount of calories in your recipe.

The Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet is based on eating large amounts of protein and low carbohydrate diet, arguing for it that the body finds it easier to burn carbohydrates than protein, which converts carbohydrates into energy and stores proteins in fat. Thus, this diet limits the power supply to body fat, so that the body begins to consume causing weight loss.

On this basis, 90% of the Atkins diet consists of protein, regardless of their cholesterol content, and fat, regardless of whatever type

red meat
red sausages meat
Milk creams
plain yogurt, etc.


The other 10% are carbohydrates that are obtained from vegetables, limiting the maximum pasta, flour, rice, breads, vegetables, sugars, alcoholic beverages and milk.

fruits and vegetables rich in fiber should also be avoided, since it prevents the absorption of fat in the intestine. Green vegetables are limited to 50 grams per meal. Thus, the first week lost four kilos at the expense of removing water and then slows down to reach six kilos per month.

The Atkins diet has been severely criticized by many doctors because of their side effects:

An important contribution of lipids causes increased blood cholesterol, which can lead to cardiovascular problems, including heart attack.
There is evidence that a diet rich in protein and saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of certain cancers.
Also causes an increase in uric acid.
The absence of carbohydrates causes fatigue, muscular decay, nausea, etc.
Weight loss is directly related loss of muscle mass.
The absence of fiber produces constipation and therefore metabolic waste accumulation.
Eliminating fruits, cereals and other foods leads to a lack of essential nutrients for the body, such as vitamins and minerals.

In addition to this, another problem with the Atkins diet is that, like all the miracle diets, prevents the re-education of the patient in terms of eating habits, so that, after fulfilling the goals of weight loss, to restore normal power called yo-yo effect and the weight is regained quickly it occurs.

What is the Dukan diet?

The Dukan diet is to lose weight based mobilize our energy reserves (fat and glycogen). The danger of this diet is that not only lose fat, too much muscle mass (and with her strength and health).

Therefore, you can have a rebound effect because you can recover all the lost kilos in a short time and even reach a higher level than before the weight regime.

Organizations such as the Spanish Association of Dieticians and Nutritionists and the Ministry of Health advise against making this diet because it lacks scientific evidence and may have negative health consequences.

both the Dukan method is not recommended as any other diet that gets lost very fast weight based on imbalances, as this type of restrictive diets often have important nutritional deficiencies (vitamins and minerals, etc.).

 As a general rule, unhealthy diet over half a kilo (or at most one kilo) per week. What is lost is recovered quickly even faster, and health always be the most important.

degree of overweight, type of diet, physical activity level, motivation, etc.: To lose weight a comprehensive treatment that ensures long-term loss and gradually, taking into account all the factors involved is necessary.

Tag : dukan diet meal plan, dukan diet menu, dukan diet plan, dukan diet food list, dukan diet attack phase food list, dukan diet side effects, dukan diet attack phase, dukan diet recipes.

Want to know more about nutrition?

Nutrition is an essential pillar in life, it does not imply only an adequate nutritional status or an appropriate weight, but also involves taking proper food, which is an element that builds the lifestyle of people. So that proper nutrition is one that allows a balance, which promotes the correct state of health of individuals.

This is important at all ages, and each has its peculiarities; for example childhood is a critical period because it is a time of great growth and development, and any nutritional problem to occur at this time will have an impact on the rest of life. So it is important to prevent nutritional problems both excess and deficiency, obesity and emaciation (malnutrition) respectively. In addition care must be taken the proper supply of critical nutrients in this stage are calcium, iron and zinc, any deficiency in any of these nutrients has an impact on the health of children.
Adolescence is also an important period because it becomes to accelerate growth, and take care that the supply of nutrients is correct, in addition to forging some aspects that are part of healthy eating habits.
Pregnancy and lactation is another step to highlight, as it is the period of life of women where the caloric requirement is higher, and adequate nutrition affects not only the woman but also on her son. At this time the critical nutrients are calcium, iron, omega 3 and folic acid.
The other stages of life are important and it is essential to establish a proper diet plan based on the particularities and characteristics of each person.
Proper nutrition is one that:
It provides energy and nutrients needed for health, growth and development

Maintain social and psychological well-being

Getting adequate nutritional status

Nutritional advice is based on different parameters namely:
Age, sex, weight, lifestyle, physical activity, socioeconomic and cultural level Preferences and psychological, physical and social assessment (eg in an obese person, even if we want to establish a low-calorie diet, eating habits if it suffers from a disorder anxiety or depression, while it is not correct, we will not succeed in treatment)

Healthy eating plan

Below is three different menus ranging from low calorie up to a half-day high calories. Any of these plans are composed of fresh, healthy and natural ingredients. For a healthy eating plan that you can always use fresh ingredients and natural foods. Also choose low sodium options, and do not try to add any salt to processed foods because they generally contain a lot already.

To help keep low calories drink plenty of water throughout the day as well as after each meal or snack. It is surprising how easily consume excess calories from soft drinks, sodas and sports drinks. Water contains no calories.

The following models are demonstrative way. If you decide to follow any of the examples you must first get approval from a qualified nutritionist, and make an estimate of your daily calories to avoid any errors that may endanger your health.

Healthy eating plan No. 1


- A boiled egg - 90 calories

- A slice of whole-grain toast with 25 grams of cheese - 205 calories

- A banana - 107 calories

- Half melon - 97 calories

- A handful of cherries - 60 calories


- Tagliatelle (like spaghetti pasta) with mushrooms and prosciutto. & 50 calories for the whole of this dish.

Ingredients: 50 grams of tagliatelle, half an onion, peas, 80 grams of mushrooms, 50 grams of raw ham, low-fat plain yogurt, a little olive oil and garlic.

Cook pasta separately. Then skip all the other ingredients. Mix cooking with pasta and sprinkle on yogurt preparation-pa


- A handful of fruits stuffed with nuts / seeds and almonds - 200 calories

- A fruit juice - 80 calories


- Tuna fresh grilled - 180 calories

- New 4 unpeeled potatoes - 150 calories

- Steamed vegetables (broccoli, carrots, cabbage) - 110 calories

Total calories for this diet plan: 1929.

Healthy eating plan # 2


- A pot of muesli and cereals with 200 ml of skim milk - 304 calories

- A banana - 107 calories

- A kiwi - 34 calories

- An iced tea or fruit juice - 70 calories approximately


- Egg and watercress sandwich - 310 calories for this sandwich

Use two slices of bread any beans, a boiled and chopped egg, half tablespoon reduced fat mayonnaise and watercress.

- A piece of fruit or fruit juice - 60 calories


- 2 plums - 67 calories

- A fruit yogurt - 75 calories


- Teriyaki chicken. Bakes 100 grams of chicken breast with a quarter cup of teriyaki sauce, a marinade made of soy, is a sweet sauce. 290 calories for this comdida

- Add two cups of fresh vegetables - 150 calories

Total calories: 1467

Healthy eating plan # 3


- 2 nougat cereal with sliced ​​banana and skim milk - 325 calories

- Adds a handful of mixture of strawberries, cherries and raspberries - 70 calories

- Yogurt - 75 calories

- Coffee or tea without sugar


- An omelet - 360 calories for this filling omelette

Whisk two eggs and prepares the tortilla, then fill it with mashed avocado, sliced ​​tomato and mozzarella cheese reduced fat.

- Accompany with a salad of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and onion - 80 calories


- Two teaspoons of peanut butter - 110 calories

- A slice of bread - 110 calories

- A piece of fruit - 80 calories


- Beef Grilled salmon with herbs - 200 calories

- Puree tomatoes - 150 calories

- Steamed vegetables - 80 calories

Total calories: 1640

Really Are Effective Recipes diabetic meal?

It is true that people with diabetes should be careful with the food they eat; but that does not mean you should resign yourself to live life eating only fruits and vegetables. In fact; there are a variety of tasty food recipes for diabetics with which you can prepare delicious dishes able to satisfy the taste of any palate.

Just simply do an internet search and instantly find thousands of pages showing us a lot of food recipes that are supposedly suitable for people suffering from diabetes and the reality is that just read some of them, we can feel the delicious taste of the dish that would create to prepare.

But you have to be careful!!!
The reality is that a lot of the recipes are getting are very tempting and if preparation dishes at their direction, definitely would be very delicious; however, many of them have been created by skilled in the art and may end up worsening your situation people.

Precisely for this reason, it is that as diabetics, it is important to have on hand a list of foods that are suitable while also know what can be harmful. That way, if you see any food recipe for diabetics to call your attention, and you're not sure or sure how good or bad it may be, then you can check your list and make an intelligent decision.

Later you will find an excellent place where you will find not only food recipes but also an effective natural method to reverse diabetes naturally that has already been proven by hundreds and hundreds of people; but first we want to share with you information that we believe can help you to start immediately.

In times can be somewhat difficult to determine what foods a person with diabetes should or should not eat are, and to help in this task, then you are getting a list of the right foods you can eat with confidence and not make the mistake of preparing and / or eating some food that instead of doing good to you can become worse.

Before we get into what you should eat, let's take a look at some of the things you should not eat.

You want to make sure to avoid or restrict the intake of carbohydrates, whether simple or refined. This may include ingredients such as corn syrup, honey, sweets, sugar, white bread and / or items that contain fructose, glucose or sucrose.

Diabetics should also avoid preparing recipes for foods that are very high in fat or sodium. The less you have of any of these elements, the better for you.
It also suggests that alcohol consumption is limited. Drinking heavily can lead to increased risk of heart disease and liver damage.

That said, here is a list of ingredients that you can use to confidence when you choose and prepare healthy food recipes for people with diabetes.

Be sure to include starches - While white bread can be bad for diabetes, you want to make sure that you include plenty of starches in your diet. This can be vegetables, pasta, cereals, grains and whole wheat bread.
Vegetables - Vegetables are important to any diet, diabetic or not and can be included to accompany virtually any food you've prepared following almost any recipe. These provide a great source of fiber, minerals and vitamins. Good vegetables you can include in your diet include especially cabbage, spinach, broccoli, green beans, carrots, tomatoes and peppers
Fruits - Fruits also provide you with fiber, minerals and vitamins. They are also a source of carbohydrates, but should be taken in moderation. Depending on your daily calorie consumption, it is advisable to include two to four servings of fruits such as apples, bananas, mango, fruit juice, oranges, raisins and grapefruit.
Milk - This is also a much needed source of critical elements that your body needs. But it is advisable to consume fat-free milk and / or fat free yogurt
Carnes - Meats are necessary for the body; but they should be consumed in moderation. This includes also includes meat substitutes. This category includes all kinds of red meats and poultry as well as cheese, cottage cheese, tofu, peanut butter, eggs and fish.
Know what you should and should not eat in dealing with your diabetes is the best way to bring it under control.

Rabu, 20 April 2016

How to Lose 5kg in a week: Diet for a Week

All About How to Lose 5 kg in a week: Diet for a Week
Losing weight without starving is possible and very simple to achieve.
Keep in mind that dieting a week is not to die for the world, it is very common for people to abandon the social life to avoid the temptation that is highly detrimental to the health highly compromising about the success of his regime.
decline invitations, have fun and eat, yes, but in moderation. Not yours to hold?
Alright world will not end because of that, put into practice the LAW OF COMPENSATION, strategy elected by 9 out of 10 women who can keep fit without losing any meeting or ballad.
Translation: if you ate bonbons 4 instead of just 2 as he was in his plans do not get a bad conscience, the next meals include more salad and grilled meat.
But it's important you know that the compensation LAW will only work if you know 100% offset the exaggeration sensibly and healthily.
Want to speed up your weight loss includes at least 3x a week in your routine walk at least 20-30 minutes.
Villains of a successful diet:
Do not take water as thirst, water makes your body work better and quenches taking that feeling of hunger;
Skip meal does not help, simple after 7 days of diet you will not have lost anything, so if you have not put on weight;
For claim that has no time if you have 20 minutes to take a walk at least 3 times a week it is because it really deserves the weight it has.
full menu of diet a week:
Attention - To temper the use salad:
1 tablespoon olive oil
Lemon instead of vinegar
salt light
Day 1:
1 slice of bread light form;
2 tablespoons light cream cheese;
1 cup skim milk tea with sweetener.
Morning snack:
1 apple.
slimming soup with vegetables at will.
Afternoon snack:
1 cereal bar.
Have a dinner:
1 grilled chicken fillet;
2 tablespoons brown rice;
300ml natural juice - taste your choice.
Green tea at will.
Before starting the diet such thinking, then just repeat the procedure with at least 4 days of diet do not do it before because the first results may appear only after the third day which can demotivate you to continue the diet.
Day 2:
1 cup whole milk with low-fat chocolate milk;
4 saltine crackers;
1 tablespoon light jam - taste your choice.
Morning snack:
1 light cereal bar.
1 cup tomato + corn salad;
2 tablespoons brown rice;
1 grilled chicken fillet.
Afternoon snack:
1 full yogurt flavor of your choice.
Have a dinner:
slimming soup with vegetables at will.
Green tea at will.
Do not put everything to lose not replace food or skip meals in a week you will see the result of your effort.
DAY 3:
1 small slice of papaya;
4 saltine crackers;
1 tablespoon light cream cheese.
Morning snack:
1 light fruit yogurt.
Green salad at ease + 1 carrot;
2 tablespoons brown rice;
1 grilled chicken fillet.
Afternoon snack:
1 fruit.
Have a dinner:
slimming soup with vegetables at will.
1 slice of lean white cheese.
Hit that lion hungry between meals, do as the celebrities, brush your teeth that will satisfy your hunger momentarily and not take your focus that is to lose weight. Take the test and see for yourself.
DAY 4:
300ml light soy juice;
1 full loaf of bread;
1 tablespoon light cream cheese.
Morning snack:
1 light fruit yogurt.
slimming soup with vegetables at will.
Afternoon snack:
1 fruit.
Have a dinner:
2 grilled chicken burger;
2 tablespoons brown rice;
300ml is unsweetened orange juice.
2 tablespoons avocado soup
Walking is the best ally for good mental health and even helps you burn calories such, walk at least 20 minutes 3 times a week.
Day 5:
1 cup whole milk with low-fat chocolate milk;
2 full loaf of bread;
2 turkey breast slices.
Morning snack:
1 fruit.
1 boiled egg;
2 tablespoons brown rice;
1 file grilled chicken.
Afternoon snack:
1 cup unsweetened fruit salad.
Have a dinner:
slimming soup with vegetables at will.
Green tea at will.
If you are a person who only starts diets on Monday, review their concepts must be why he can never finish their regimes or worse always end without losing even a kilo you want.
300ml natural juice your choice - with sweetener (optional);
6 saltine crackers;
1 tablespoon jelly light flavor of your choice.
Morning snack:
1 fruit.
slimming soup with vegetables at will.
Afternoon snack:
1 fruit.
Have a dinner:
2 grilled chicken burger;
2 tablespoons brown rice;
300ml is unsweetened orange juice.
Green tea at will.
Day 7:
300ml lemon juice with sweetener;
2 slices of whole wheat bread;
2 turkey breast slices.
Morning snack:
1 cereal bar flavor of your choice.
Green salad at ease + 1 tomato;
2 tablespoons brown rice;
1 grilled chicken fillet.
Afternoon snack:
1 fruit.
Have a dinner:
slimming soup with vegetables at will.
Green tea at will.
medical emagecer

Selasa, 19 April 2016

Fast diet : Full Menu lose 6kg Quick in 5 Days

All About Emergency Diet: Full Menu lose 6kg Quick in 5 Days

Food is a much discussed topic these days, as people do not have much time to eat healthily as a result the numbers of problems such as diabetes and hypertension in the population is growing.

The ideal is to put together a diet based on a simple menu, so you can really put them in their day-to-day.

Of course, you can lose weight quickly. There are a several fad diet that can help you eliminate calories making you lose weight quickly - sating your hunger.

Many people forget that after the emergence of diet can not return to sedentary life you had before.

Leaving consume 1000 calories day you can effortlessly lose 2kg in a week, more if you you follow our diet menu below which was prepared especially for eliminating liquid and satisfy your hunger you do not lose less than 4 kg in a week may get up to 6kg.

Not to go hungry or go without eating Instead, the key is to make simple adjustments to your lifestyle. Below we separated some tips that can contribute even more for you to lose real weight and escape the yo-yo effect that emergency diet can bring you:

Do not skip meals:

It is a common mistake that people make is skipping meals thinking that it will eat fewer calories actually it does not know why.

Her body for security make a reservation of calories until the next meal, or skip meal will only sabotage your system instead of helping.

A habit that everyone should mainly follow people who want to lose weight and maintain even after the emergency diet the final is to make all meals without skipping or add foods that are not on the menu.

Close the kitchen at night:

Establish a time you will stop eating that you will not go to the most you can do is take a diuretic tea.

Hit that hunger after 22:00 have a cup of tea, eating a serving of fruit, eat a small bowl of light ice cream is another option that looks good, brush your teeth so you eat help satisfy hunger and also eliminates the sugar cravings.

Sleep more slims:

Sleep an hour longer per night can help you lose 5 kg per year, according to a researcher at the University of Michigan, a person usually consume calories 2500 calories per day.

When sleep replaces idle activities - including snacks out of time showed that you can easily cut calories by up to 6% daily just sleeping one hour more.

The results that vary for each person, but sleep can help in another way, there is evidence that lack of sleep accelerates your appetite, making
you rarely run out of hunger.

Eat more fruits and vegetables:

Eat at least 2 servings of vegetables with the main meal of your day, instead of just a handful, it will bring more health and vitality and break you still lose her weight and cutting calories.

Eat more fruits and vegetables is a great way to lose weight. The fiber and water will keep you longer without hunger.

Adopt one or more of these simple strategies, painless to help lose weight without going on a "diet":

We suggest here a menu of 1000 calories for you. We are sure that the selected options to please all!

Option 1: 1 low-fat yogurt cup + 1 slice of lemon cake
Option 2: 1 biscuit and salt water + 300 ml of orange juice with sweetener
Option 3: 1 whole wheat toast + 1 cup. (Tea) coffee with milk without sugar
Option 4: 1 slice of bread with light + 1 cup cheese. (Tea) coffee with skim milk
Morning snack:

Option 1: 1 pear + 1 cup of green tea
Option 2: 1 full wafer + 1 orange
Option 3: 1 slice of light bread with ricotta + 1 cup. of iced lemon tea
Option 4: 1 toast with light + 1 cup cheese. (Tea) cappuccino light

Option 1: 2 col. (Soup) rice + 1 col. (Soup) of light cream spinach + tomato salad, peppers, watercress and arugula in olive oil seasoned + 1 grilled chicken fillet
Option 2: 1 omelet prepared with 1 egg yolk + 2 egg whites, chopped tomatoes, onions and chives + 1 cup. (Tea) of broccoli and cauliflower + 1 col. (Soup) of mashed potatoes
Option 3: 1 plate (dessert) of tomatoes, lettuce and cabbage American-purple endive braised + 1 + 2 col. (Soup) of brown rice + 2 col. (Soup) of pea + 1 fillet (120g) grilled lean meat
Option 4: 1 cup. pasta with broccoli and sardines oil + 2 + steamed broccoli salad.

Afternoon snack:

Option 1: 1 slice sleeve
Option 2: 1 slice of pineapple
Option 3: 4 strawberries
Option 4: 1 cereal bar
Have a dinner:

Option 1: 1 plate of green salad at home + 1 col. (Soup) of brown rice + 1 + 1 bean shell grilled fish fillet
Option 2: 1 col. (Soup) of brown rice + 1 + 1 bean shell grilled salmon fillet with lemon sauce
Option 3: 1 bowl of vinaigrette + 1 col. (Soup) of brown rice + 1 omelet with tuna filling and mustard sauce light + 1 col. (Chickpea Soup
Option 4: 1 dish of chayote salad steamed + 1 col. (Soup) of brown rice + 2 col. (Soup) of lean ground beef + 1 col. (Pea soup

Option 1: 1 pear
Option 2: 2 Brazil nuts
Option 3: 1 apple
Option 4: 1 cereal bar