
Senin, 11 April 2016

Yes, snacking is healthy

It is not a joke. We will teach snack between meals without risking your line. If your body asks you "gasoline" at midmorning, give what you need. But, yes, it controls what you fancy.

The pace of modern life forces us to make three quick meals a day, sometimes two -breakfast we reduce it to a coffee, seriously damaging our dietary balance and our position at the time of the meal. Result: mid-morning or mid-afternoon, we return to notice an empty stomach. For athletes, large consumers of energy, eat five times a day is common. No fat or sugar: carbohydrates only. But our energy expenditure is usually less, so you have to be very careful with the calories we will not spend.

Picar ... with head
The art of snacking is tempted, but with his head. Eat several times a day, every three or four hours, remains active metabolism, increasing the total caloric expenditure of our body. Therefore, we must keep in mind is the total daily calories and how we can distribute, beware !, without skip any (much less breakfast). Let us start that follow an average diet of 1800 kcal. spread, rather than three meals in five. This could be a balanced result including:

    breakfast 500
    Midmorning 150
    food 600
    Midafternoon 150
    dinner 450

As you can see, there is room for a snack and afternoon snack. We attack how we spend those 150 calories, but with quality.
6 basic rules

    The first rule is ... only sting when you're hungry. It seems obvious, but many of our diet detours occur when we attacked the refrigerator by boredom or stress.
    When itching. We understand that between hours, but being accurate, between two and three hours before the main meal, not to lose appetite when the main meal arrives.
    Food groups. The basic food groups that should go are the fruits, vegetables, meat and the like, dairy, and the group of breads, cereals, rice and pasta. No fat, sugars empty (sweets, for example) and, of course, avoid alcohol.
    Variety. Not always take the same. Make the time of pecking fun at the same time nutritious. Put imagination how to prepare and dare to try new foods.
    The place. If you picoteas in the workplace, have prepared the snack. For example, the washed fruit, buttered cheese, etc., avoid, for lack of time, go to the bakery machine usually found in offices.
    Drink water. Not only fat, but sate your appetite, it helps you overcome the urge to itch and improves the functioning of your whole body and assimilation of nutrients.

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