
Minggu, 10 April 2016

Tropical fruits

Add color and flavor to your table. And more, they are packed with antioxidants, protect your heart, help keep cholesterol at bay, fight hypertension, strengthen your bones ... And besides, are delicious. Give yourself a rich binge health!

Tropical fruits are no longer a luxury. Fortunately, you can find at your local supermarket throughout the year. Try them fresh or include them in your list of ingredients to prepare exotic dishes and very, very healthy. Bright colors and aroma, now in winter are in full seasoning because in their countries of origin is summer.

It is a very easy to digest fruit, full of antioxidants and monounsaturated fats, which protect the cardiovascular system and reduce bad cholesterol or LDL. Reduces the risk of cancer and degenerative diseases.

    In the kitchen: It can be used in savory dishes: stuffed with ham or seafood salads or pureed to prepare guacamole.
    Buy and store: Choose the pieces with smooth, unblemished skin. If you stir and bone moves is a sign that is overripe.

Composition (per 100 g.)
134 calories
Fat (g.) 13.8
Carbohydrates (g.) 1.3
Fiber (g.) 2.4
Provitamin A (mcg.) 19
Vitamin E (mg.) 2.3


Rich in pectin, a soluble fiber. It is excellent for hypertension, because it just adds sodium.

    In the kitchen is consumed fresh and ripe. Mix the pulp with a little lemon juice and puree prepared to make ice cream, in cakes or sweets. It also serves to accompany rice dishes, poultry and fish. And cheese is delicious.
    Buy and store: Let me finish maturing in the refrigerator.

Composition (per 100 g.)
calories 65.6
Carbohydrates (g.) 16
Fiber (g.) 1.6
Provitamin A (mcg.) 158.3
Vitamin C (mg.) 16

Or grated fresh coconut meat is very aromatic. Take it on special occasions, as it is very caloric. It is rich in calcium and potassium.

    In the kitchen: The ripe fruit is eaten raw, whole, shredded or grilled dishes and exotic sauces. Coconut water with a very refreshing milk is prepared. The dried pulp is transformed into flakes.
    Buy and store: Shake; you have to hear a splash of water. Once opened, store in a container with water.

Composition (per 100 g.)
351 calories
Fat (g.) 36
Carbohydrates (g.) 3.7
folic acid (mcg.) 26

It has a lot of vitamin C. It is good to prevent cardiovascular and degenerative diseases. Excellent laxative, take one every morning or night to improve constipation.

    In the kitchen: It takes into salads and jellies, granitas, sorbets and desserts. It is delicious as an ingredient in poultry dishes. Open it shortly before consuming, because it tends to soften rapidly.
    Buy and store: You must be intact and unblemished. Discards they are very soft. If you protect by saving it in a plastic bag for food use, it shall be stored for two weeks. I ripens well to wrap it in newspaper.

Composition (per 100 g.)
calories 54.2
Carbohydrates (g.) 12.1
Fiber (g.) 1.5
Potassium (mg.) 314
Provitamin A (mcg). 3
folic acid (mcg.) 29.3
Vitamin C (mg.) 94

It is one of the finest, very sweet and refreshing tropical fruits. It contains vitamin C, good for bones, teeth, red blood cells and collagen formation. Promotes the absorption of iron from food and makes us more resistant to infection. Its fiber improves constipation and reduces the rate of blood cholesterol.

    In the kitchen: If you prepare with a few drops of lemon flavor is enhanced. You can use it as an ingredient in salads, fruit salads, jams and juices. The mango chutney is a cooked and seasoned jam that accompanies rice dishes.
    Buying and storing: Do not buy very green, because they will not ripen well. If you have black spots it is that it is past.

Composition (per 100 g.)
calories 60.3
Carbohydrates (g.) 15.3
Fiber (g.) 1.5
Potassium (mg.) 190
Provitamin A (mcg.) 478
Vitamin C (mg.) 30

It provides vitamin C, niacin and vitamin A. It is a source of potassium, iron and magnesium. Its juice has tranquilizing effects. It is high in fiber, lowers cholesterol and controls blood sugar levels. It is good for treating anemia, because it contributes to the absorption of iron.

    In the kitchen: Especially it used to prepare juices, syrups and liqueurs. It is also consumed fresh.
    Buying and storing: Your skin should be smooth. If wrinkle means it is ripe. Leave it at room temperature to ripen and store in the refrigerator up to a week.

Composition (per 100 g.)
calories 51
Carbohydrates (g.) 13.6
Proteins (mg.) 12.5
Calcium (mg.) 3.6
Vitamin A (mcg.) 215
Vitamin B2 (mg.) 0.10
Vitamin C (mg.) 30

It contains papain, an enzyme that breaks down proteins in food. This makes it a beneficial fruit in cases of gastritis, heartburn, or hiatal hernia. Soothes and disinfects the digestive mucosa. Rich in potassium and low in sodium, it is good for those with hypertension or cardiovascular disease.

    In the kitchen: It is rich with ham or smoked salmon. It is exquisite with yogurt or ice cream. Try it sliced ​​with a little sugar and lime juice. Beware the seeds: they are spicy.
    Buying and storing: It is at the point when it starts to take on a yellow color. No matter you have brown spots. It is a very perishable fruit, so you should keep it in the refrigerator.

Composition (per 100 g.)
26.5 calories
Carbohydrates (g.) 6.3
Fiber (g.) 1.9
Potassium (mg.) 211
Provitamin A (mcg.) 97.5
Vitamin C (mg.) 82

Cold avocado soup
2 ripe avocados, 1 sprig of celery, 3 nonfat plain yogurt, 1/2 lemon, 1/2 l. defatted chicken broth, chopped parsley, salt and pepper.

1. Peel the avocados, remove the bones and chop the pulp. A blender along with the broth, celery clean cut, yogurt, parsley and salt.
2. Let stand in the refrigerator and serve in individual bowls sprinkled with chopped parsley on top.

Pork with coconut sauce and kiwi
 1 tablespoon. lemon zest, 1 tablespoon. grated ginger, 4 pork fillets, 1 tablespoon. olive oil, 1 tablespoon. curry paste, 165 ml. coconut cream, 3 kiwis Zespri, white rice.

1. Marinate the meat with lemon zest and ginger one hour. In a pan with oil, fry the steaks. Incorporating curry and heat. Add the coconut cream with a little water. Cook a few minutes.
2. Serve the meat garnished with white rice and diced kiwi. Cover with the sauce.

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