
Selasa, 12 April 2016

Lose a size much vitality

By this time, the Bari Clinic encourages us to go on a diet to be lose those kilos of winter! But we can not remain weak and exposed to more colds, this plan also strengthens our defenses. Itziar Digón, nutritionist and psychologist helps us.

    We explained in Bari Clinic (Madrid, that "we own our food and nutrition," so, as if it were a project we can work these issues not only for aesthetic, slimming but also to pay more in our personal and professional life.

Now is a good time to start looking after us.


If we want to regain our vitality and energy, our nutritional plan, according to nutritionist and psychologist Bari, Itziar Digón Clinic, should be:

    We need many essential amino acids (essential for the proper functioning of the body). Essential amino acids must be included in the diet because the body can not synthesize, so it must be varied to ensure the contribution of the eight amino acids considered essential. For example, legumes are poor in essential amino acid lysine; however, the rice is rich in lysine. If cooked vegetables with a handful of rice, get the necessary contribution of the amino acid lysine, in addition to a vegetable protein of high biological value. Foods like eggs or meat contain all the essential amino acids and with very good proportions, especially in the case of egg (gives the reference protein).

    The diet should be rich in antioxidants. These serve to prevent the aging process and keep the skin ready for the first rays of sun. The main antioxidant foods are berries, citrus fruits, strawberries, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli ... (what you have on page 76). These foods the can include in our diet without any problems and relax, because, usually, they are low-calorie foods. Therefore no amounts are specified.

    We must ensure enter all the nutrients, vitamins and trace elements that our brain needs to perform at their best. It is important to take care to keep the nervous system well nourished to avoid symptoms that can bring us the spring asthenia, as exhaustion, lack of concentration, insomnia, irritability ... "An intelligent power can strengthen our intelligence," said Itziar Digón.

    Do not forget the foods rich in carbohydrates slow release, such as fruits and vegetables. They are the best fuel for the brain and nervous system, because that get their energy from steady and gradual manner.

    The sunflower seeds, sesame and pumpkin, rich in zinc and selenium (minerals "tune" the mind), can be used as a new spice in our salads.

    Exercise, along with good nutrition is very important because it helps oxygenate the brain and to adjust our weight.

    And the known omega-3 fatty acids, present in avocados, cashews, salmon, sardines ...

    As, besides wanting to monetize our mind, we will lose weight, we need to plan adapting them meals to our lifestyle (calories consumed after day), while taking into account the following popular saying: "Eat breakfast like a king, eating like a prince and dinner like a pauper ". That is, the breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day and dinner is advisable to lighten everything we can; for that we eat a snack mid-afternoon to get "without hunger" to dinner. Now, we propose three weeks to get ready on the next page. Luck!

THERE miracle diets

    Look at this diet, lack any nutrients? Tomas fat, protein and carbohydrates. And it is that diets are not what they were and have passed from the "pineapple diet" or "Kiwi" to complete diets, especially care health. Not only Bari Clinic is against the miracle diet. The FESNAD (Spanish Federation of Nutrition, Food and Dietetics) recently launched a message on restrictive and unbalanced diets, "without scientific basis and can seriously endanger our health." In addition, these diets, once abandoned, favoring a fast recovery of lost weight.

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