
Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

The Mediterranean diet: what it is and its benefits

The first scientific references to a Mediterranean diet are from 1948 when Leland G. Allbaugh studied the way of life of the inhabitants of the island of Crete and, among other things, feeding compared with that of Greece and the USA.

Countries Mediterranean diet
Meanwhile, the American physiologist Ancel Keys, who led a study on coronary heart disease, blood cholesterol and lifestyle of seven countries (Italy, Yugoslavia, Greece, the Netherlands, Finland, US and Japan) following the World War II, contributed to its spread.
Keys and his colleagues appreciated that the incidence of coronary heart disease was lower in rural areas of southern Europe and Japan.

heart-healthy Mediterranean diet
They suspected that there was a protective factor in the lifestyle, who labeled as "Mediterranean way".
They described this lifestyle as "very physically active (by the low level of mechanization of agriculture), frugal, and with a predominant reduced intake of vegetables and in products of animal origin".

Subsequent dissemination of its results assimilated the concept of "Mediterranean style" with that of "Mediterranean diet".

Historically Spain as a country located in the Mediterranean basin has presented a healthy and balanced diet based on own dietary patterns of the Mediterranean countries and listed in what is known as Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is characterized by the abundance of plant foods such as bread, pasta, rice, vegetables, legumes, fruits and nuts; the use of olive oil as the main source of fat; moderate consumption of fish, seafood, poultry, dairy products (yogurt, cheese) and eggs; consuming small amounts of red meat and wine daily intake usually consumed during meals.

Characteristics Mediterranean diet

Its importance in the individual's health is not limited to the fact that it is a balanced, varied and with a contribution of macronutrients proper diet. To the benefits of its low content of saturated and high in monounsaturated fatty acids, as well as in complex carbohydrates and fiber, add derivatives of its richness in antioxidants.

On 26 November 2010 the intergovernmental committee of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared the Mediterranean Diet as intangible cultural heritage by recognizing their crucial role in bringing a style healthy life.

Mediterranean diet obesity abandonment
Although the Mediterranean diet is the basis of our food has been distancing of the Mediterranean diet and the acquisition of less healthy habits characterized by eating foods high in energy, high in simple sugars and fats whose fatty acid composition differs a lot of olive oil, which provided health benefits resulting negative effects on the health of the Spanish population increasing incidence of chronic noncommunicable diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia that are clear cardiovascular risk factors, giving place over time to a reduction in life expectancy and quality of life.

Therefore we must base our diet on the Mediterranean diet as this is based on a balanced diet that will give us health benefits.

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