
Senin, 21 Maret 2016

7 dinners to lose weight

Today we present 7 dinners to lose weight effectively and, most importantly, stop eating. And breakfast is important, so is dinner, and although weight loss is recommended to eat little at night, you need to consume foods that meet the needs of your body.
Here we leave some dinners you can eat at night without any problems.
7 dining options without gaining weight
1- Red Salad: This is one of the 7 dinners to lose weight, are rich and easy to make you give. For this salad you will need:
200 grams of beets, peeled and cut into chunks
1 stalk celery chopped into pieces
150 grams of grated carrots
60 grams of chopped onion
Orange juice, olive oil and pepper for garnish.
Mix all these ingredients in a bowl and eat! This is a light dinner, ingredients are diuretics, satiating and help you burn fat.
7 dinners to lose weight without starving
7 dinners to lose weight without starving
2- Tuna salad: In a bowl add a can of tuna with onion, paprika, palm hearts, black olives, tomato and mushrooms. You can season with salt, pepper, mayonnaise and mustard little something to taste.
3- Omelette full: prepare it with mushrooms, paprika, spinach, cheese and other ingredients to your taste. If done with common sense, this full of ingredients is a recipe for a light dinner and full of protein.
4- Chicken breast grilled: This is one of the best dinners to lose weight. DEFINITELY shake with salt, pepper and lemon and cook on the grill; Accompany with a salad of lettuce. Proteins containing chicken help stimulate metabolism for better digestion and lemon act as an antioxidant.
5- Spinach salad: In a bowl add spinach, turkey breast cut into square pieces and You prepare with vinegar to taste and a dash of olive oil. This salad can accompany a cup of grapes.
6- Cream of vegetables: These are ideal for dinner if you want to lose weight, because they are very easy to do besides giving you the feeling of fullness and are very good for digestion. Combine with vegetables of your choice, and add vegetables to bring you more vitamins and minerals.
7- soup celery: Celery is a diuretic food besides being rich in potassium, sulfur, sodium, calcium, chlorine, copper etc. It helps also to remove uric acid from your body. This soup can accompany with the any of the above salads.

you have no excuses to stop eating at night, as we leave 7 dinners to lose weight, they are very effective and tasty to achieve it.

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