
Senin, 21 Maret 2016

Do you skip the diet the weekend?

For many, the weekend is synonymous with the usual break times.
One of the aspects that are affected by these changes are meals.
And generally it affected in a negative way: how many of you s you jump you any food because time has passed? Or for example who would not go out to eat or dining out one day of the weekend, right?
For some people this mismatch is to lose the rhythm of the diet. However timetables or have different customs in the weekend is not incompatible with taking care and follow a healthy diet.
If your goal right now is to lose weight, remember that even when away from home there are guidelines that you should keep in mind not to spend too much.
And remember the most important, if the 5 meals a day, you have to make one or two out of your environment, the rest will do positive! So do not despair :) If during the week you are able to be estrict @ diet, you'll give you some whim on the weekend :)
1. Common sense is your best ally indeed.
2. Not everything is black or white, in between there is a wide range !!! That is, if you're in a bar having a drink with friends, you must not stop eating, but do not take 6 skewers like the rest. Looking for something in between :)
3. And most importantly, have fun, be who you want and enjoy your free time. And all in all this food is only a supplement, not the center of that time :)

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