
Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

Delicious diet tricks

Is it possible Delicious Diet? Make a diet and is itself a sacrifice, no one imagines enjoying, but nevertheless there are tricks to turn this effort into pleasure.
Depending on how strict diet it will cost you more or less effort. To assist in the project "lose a few kilos" I tell some improvements you can make in your diet without thereby loses its effectiveness:
How to transform your food: Tips to enhance the flavors
1. Get a delicious diet enhancing the sour taste.
Highlight the sour taste. You know better. To do sprinkle grated rind of one lemon, a lime or orange.
You can also add the juice of these fruits on meat, fish or vegetables before and after cooking. This way you get to add a unique flavor.
2. Add sauce low in calories to the diet.
You can make a low-calorie sauce with red fruit juice and a pinch (very little) of flour, you remove the fire and is now ready. The you can pour over chicken, steamed vegetables and brown rice, for example. Well you add a lot of flavor to foods with very few calories.
3. Play with different flavored vinegars
Mix changes and different vinegars such as red wine, cider, balsamic vinegar and rice husk for salads, fish, tuna and chicken.
4. Use a spray cooking: Distributes well.
For oven-roasted I recommend this technique: Instead of squirting olive oil on food, it is best to spray them with a spray, thus extending better and use less amount .If before you you put salt (always too little) and add spices will be great.
Asa meat or chicken until crisp. This trick adds a caramelization effect the flavor of the meat, but without the extra calories of oil or butter.
5. One of the best tricks for a delicious diet: Marina Food
Marinades add moisture and flavor to the meat. Before cooking, the meat entered in a plastic bag with the salad dressing, mustard, low sodium soy or fruit juice. Cool it at least one hour, allowing the meat to absorb the flavor of the dressing.
6. Use fresh herbs
Add parsley, oregano, thyme, basil or other fresh herb you can think of to meals. They provide a unique flavor.
7. Do not cut, use cinnamon
If you add cinnamon (a little) fresh fruit, cereals and even meat will transform the flavor of the dish completely.
8. Garlic will not miss
Garlic, besides being a very good health food (promotes blood circulation, among other things) added to dishes intense flavor.
9. And ... Have fun mixing
In order not to die of boredom when making a diet I advise you to mix food with different textures. Try combining a crisp vegetables with a soft grain, and a chewy protein. Or, play with color and mix vegetables and fruits, both contrast nicely flavored and added much color to your dishes.
Bright colors and taste you can fool your taste buds.
delicious diet
10. Take a protein shake as a snack
Proteins satiated much more than carbohydrates and help build muscle tissue. When I'm at work and I get hungry mid-morning or mid-afternoon, I take my table an envelope of chocolate protein shake. I mix it with a large glass of water and I sated completely without adding calories. I came to food and to dinner without much hunger.
There are many delicious smoothies you can take at breakfast and are very satisfying. I advise you to read: slimming Smoothies
And you? Do you know more tricks to make a delicious diet without losing the taste and bored to death?
Weight Loss Tips on the page you have all slimming tips that have been published on the blog and that will help a lot in the day. Do not miss it!

On page All About Diets have all the information concerning diets: how to make them, their effects, diets for all, etc. Do not miss it!

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