
Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

Everything about the avocado and help to eat healthier

Everything about the avocado and help to eat healthier
Although all fruits and vegetables in general are necessary in our diet if we care health through what we eat, today we tell you all about the avocado and help to feed better.
The properties of avocado
The avocado is one of the few oily fruits, ie, one of the few fruits that contain fats in their composition and therefore has a slightly more calories than other plant foods.
However, a study by the California Avocado Society has found that its fats are of excellent quality, being mostly unsaturated fats.

Also, while fat has more than fresh fruits in general, it is less than their percentage in hydrates do not reach 5%, indicating that has half of the sugars other fruits fresh.
These characteristics are those that may be responsible for the resulting avocado help to prevent cardiovascular disease by lowering bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol in our body, as has been proved in an investigation of the American Heart Association.
In addition, avocado concentrates excellent vitamins and minerals among which potassium, vitamin E, vitamin A, carotene, magnesium and B vitamins, many of these antioxidant nutrients in our body.
Beyond its nutritional value, including the properties of avocado highlights its great creamy texture and palatable, with its mild flavor and aroma that make it a very versatile ingredient for our dishes.
How to use avocado to eat healthier
For all its properties, avocado consumption results in great benefits for the health of our body, therefore, the best way to use this ingredient is replacing other poorer nutritional quality.
That is, if we use avocado to replace commercial sauces, butter, cream or other ingredients creamy texture but with worse nutrients in its composition, we can not only save calories but also improve the quality of the dish by adding vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and replace good or bad by other unsaturated fats.
Perhaps all this, avocado consumption has been linked in a study published in Nutrition Journal to a diet of better quality, more nutritious and less risk of metabolic syndrome and accumulation of fat in the abdomen.
Therefore, we can not help but use the avocado to eat healthier and some forms of use are:
To prepare homemade such as sauces, this yoghurt and avocado an avocado spread, or the classic guacamole we can work at home spreads breads and / or toast or for salad dressings and / or snacks, replacing sauces commercials worst nutritional quality.
As a substitute for cream or butter, we can use avocado to make ice cream at home or to prepare healthy desserts such as chocolate and creamy avocado, easy and much more nutritious and light that like any other preparation.
To flavor and / or with pasta, rice or other hot preparations in replacement also for example cream or other more calorie sauces. For example, we can develop an avocado pesto.
With avocado, given its texture and mild flavor, we can prepare many dishes, from hot or cold sauces, until creamy desserts, ice cream, milk shakes and many more recipes to acquire all the good nutrients of this fruit, with fewer calories than other ingredients and like flavor and aroma.

For all these options and avocado valuable properties, we can not stop using this ingredient to eat and cook healthier.

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