
Jumat, 18 Maret 2016

5 Ways to Use Parsley Slimming

Many people think that herbs have no health benefit, however, there are some like parsley that are helpful for those who want to lose weight. This is because this herb has some medicinal properties, which are perfect to lose weight.

Among the main components that make perfect parsley to eliminate those extra kilos are the following:

    Vitamin C.
    Vitamin E.
    essential oils such as apiol.
    Pro carotene.
    Iron, among others.

Thanks to the aforementioned components, parsley contains some properties that are ideal for weight loss:

    It is diuretic.
    Lowers cholesterol levels.
    Lower levels of triglycerides.
    Eliminates gases.

Ways to consume slimming parsley.

Use parsley to lose weight is very easy, you can consume juices with the combination of some tasty vegetables, for example:

    In a blender add half a cup of diced melon with half a cup of pineapple, add a bunch of parsley and the juice of a grapefruit. If you want you can add a little water and you can sweeten with stevia. This juice is recommended that you consume before breakfast.

    Liquefies 230 grams of cabbage, a cucumber and a bunch of parsley, you can also add a tablespoon of chia seeds. This juice must also take it at breakfast.

    Two stalks of celery processed, a handful of parsley, two kiwis, add a cup of orange juice and a few pieces of ice. After this all processing can sweeten with stevia, if you wish. This juice can be taken at any time during the day as it is perfect to whet the appetite.

Another simple way to consume parsley diet is making an infusion, if you want to prepare all you have to do is have a hand or buy 20 grams of parsley and add a liter of boiling water, be sure to turn off the stove and let stand for 10 minutes. Before taking you must colarlo. Parsley tea have to consume before breakfast, at lunch and at dinner for two consecutive weeks, either cold or hot.

Parsley tea is one of the most famous teas for weight loss, this is because it has diuretic properties. That is, that functions to remove excess liquid found in the body.
Other ways to consume parsley to lose weight.

Parsley, can be eaten either raw in salads delicious, served with different types of vegetables or you can also use it in delicious shakes mixed with other types of fruits, and take in the morning or at any meal time.

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