
Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

How to Reduce my Body Fat Percentage?

Most people make the mistake of relying solely on weight when they want to be thinner. If you lost weight and this weight was fat, please happy, otherwise worry. The loss of muscle mass all it does is slow your metabolism, making it cost more to lose body fat.

The process of lowering the% fat does not happen overnight, and to do so requires a healthy diet with adequate training.

Women are physiologically more fat than men: the normal range is between 18 and 28%, while for a man is between 8 and 20%.

Should we eliminate carbohydrates to lose fat?

Carbohydrates are the only source of energy for the brain and if we exclude not only going to have little power, but the body will use protein as an energy source and not to build muscle. Besides bad accustom the body and then comes the "rebound effect". No need to be removed but consume fewer and make a good choice.

Certain foods that support body fat reduction, and other inducing fat storage.

Nutrients that increase body fat (avoid)

1. Saturated fat: they are animal fats and can increase levels of bad LDL cholesterol, lowering HDL good cholesterol. They are easily converted into fat cells, so their intake should be reduced. Lean cuts of meat prefer, skinless chicken breast, fish, seafood and low-fat dairy. You can also consume in moderation Light versions.

Sources: butter, sour cream, sweet cream, bacon, chicken skin, sausages, etc.

2. Trans fats: known as "partially hydrogenated oils" and are formed to make solid vegetable oils. These fats have the same negative effect saturated, but have been linked with increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, among others. They are stored as abdominal fat.

Sources: some margarines, processed (filled biscuits, pastries, potato chips, donuts, biscuit), fritters.

3. refined flour: this food group is located is the top of the food pyramid, ie avoid. The problem is causing spikes in glucose and insulin levels, resulting in increased appetite and anxiety. When the hormone insulin is impaired it induces abdominal fat storage.

Sources: bread and white rice, cooked pasta, potatoes, cassava, wheat tortillas, cookies, pastries, sweets, etc.

In your eating plan you should prefer good sources of carbohydrates such as:
- Whole grains: rice, bread and whole wheat pasta, corn, oats, barley, flaxseed.
- Vegetables and fruits not chalking
- Starchy vegetables: banana, sweet potato, corn, bananas
- Legumes: beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas.
- Biscuits, breakfast cereals and products with more than 3 g fiber

4. Sugar: it is advisable to reduce the consumption of table sugar, sugary drinks, juices, and products with high sugar content, mainly because they contain many calories and its effect is similar to that of refined flour.

If a person takes more than 60 minutes of moderate exercise - intense and temperature conditions are high, they can consume a sports drink moisturizer because it's going to help the recovery.

Nutrients and supplements that help you lose fat

1. Lean protein: helps increase metabolism by 25% and provides satiety, helping to control weight. The protein are like "blocks" that will help maintain and increase muscle mass.

Muscle weighs more than fat, but burns more calories than fat. For example, 1 kg of muscle burns about 120 calories per day, while 1 kg of fat burning 5 to 6 calories.

Sources: whole egg, chicken breast without skin, lean meats, seafood, low-fat cheeses, cold cuts 98% fat free, low-fat dairy, soy protein or products based on low-fat soy (shakes, tofu, seeds, milk, yogurt).

2. Essential fatty acids: Omega-3 (EPA and DHA) and Omega-6 (CLA only) are fats that "help burn fat." Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) improve insulin response.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) may help turn fat into muscle cells. It has been shown to have positive effects when consumed 2 to 3 grams of CLA per day, however further studies are required.

Sources of Omega 3: color fish (salmon, trout, sardines, tuna, mackerel), linseed oil, soybean and canola, flaxseed, nuts in general, eggs, fortified foods such as biscuits, cereal, milk.

CLA sources: beef, cheese, milk, yogurt, eggs, mushrooms.

3. Chromium picolinate: chromium is a derivative of (mineral) and picolinic acid. It is sold as a supplement and helps control appetite, reduces anxiety, increases metabolism and prevents loss of muscle mass. The recommended dose is about 400 mcg a day.

4. L-carnitine is a nutrient synthesized in the liver, kidneys and brain from two essential amino acids, lysine and methionine. It has been found that helps burn fat and prevents muscle loss. The recommended dose is 500 mg / day.

In conclusion, muscle weighs more than fat, and the more muscle you have, the greater will be your metabolism, the more calories will burn and less fat will have. It is recommended aerobic exercise combined with resistance exercise in order to build muscle mass. Much cardio exercise can increase muscle mass loss.

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