
Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

The human body is composed by 20% of protein. These play a key role in many biological processes such as transport, energy, regulatory and defense. Their presence is essential for growth, development and repair of muscles and tissues are necessary at all stages of life.

Proteins are essential when searching for a healthy nutritional status will, because they promote increased muscle mass. The muscle acts in proportion to body fat, ie, the more fat in the body less muscle and vice versa. We can say that is one of the main nutrients needed to build muscle mass.

Over the years they have heard thousands of myths around proteins, however, currently it has been found that an abundant amount required in the diet to have an active metabolism and a healthy body composition. Then let's clarify some of these myths:

     1. Protein helps you lose weight?

True. To lose weight safely is necessary to maintain a balanced diet. One of the food groups is increased in this case, are proteins. Eating protein helps increase metabolic rate, helps decrease appetite because they provide satiety, which helps you eat fewer calories.

2. Protein consumption makes you more muscle mass?

False. Proteins alone will not increase the muscle in the body. It is the combination of these with a balanced diet and physical training consisting of resistance exercises, creating a base to increase.

3. Proteins help reduce hunger?

True. Provide greater satiety proteins in the body when compared to refined products. They stay longer in the stomach because of its difficulty to digest, reducing the feeling of hunger.

4. Are best plant proteins that animal?

False. While it is true, the vegetable proteins have less saturated fat than those of animal origin, it does not mean that the latter are bad. While a healthy choice cuts of meat and fat, low-fat dairy products is done, there is no problem with both types of proteins are consumed. It is important to vary the diet because all proteins provide different types of amino acids involved in many of the basic bodily functions.

5. High protein diets are bad for the kidneys?

False. Although much has been said excess protein that affects the kidneys not said how is the exact amount that can actually damage. According to recent studies, it was found that protein diets do not affect the kidneys of healthy individuals, but if patients with kidney diseases should limit their consumption.

6. Is it necessary to use protein supplements to increase muscle mass?

False. With a diet rich in proteins that goal is met. However, it is often necessary to resort to external power sources to meet those requirements depending on the objectives that the person has.

7. The best time to consume protein is in the morning?

False. Each person needs a specific protein requirement, which should be consumed throughout the day. Breakfast is good time to include them as it provides satiety and energy, however, is not the only time that should be included. At lunch, sometimes snacks, dinner and basically after exercise.

8. The protein should be consumed after exercise?

True. After exercise, the muscle is exhausted and must be fed to regenerate and grow. After exercise the muscle absorbs nutrients that enter the body, so ideally they are food source of protein to increase muscle mass. Ideally, consume 30 minutes after exercise.

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