
Jumat, 18 Maret 2016

Different Options Low Calorie Desserts

Many people think that eating desserts have to replace sweet for fruit or yogurt, however, the solution to this is easier than you think. The key is to use ingredients that contain fewer calories, for example, prepare with natural ingredients and sweetener to replace sugar and dairy products by similar but low fat and low in fat.

Another important aspect you should consider is that you go to eat desserts are homemade, so you can use the right ingredients and if you eat away from home a dessert sure to know how to choose those that contain fewer calories.

Recipes low-calorie desserts.

Chocolate milkshake.


    A tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder.
    A low-fat yogurt.
    50 ml of skim milk.
    Cinnamon powder.
    liquid sweetener.

To prepare this delicious chocolate milkshake, you only have to add the ingredients in a blender and ready to take it.
Strawberry mousse.


    A strawberry flavored gelatin envelope.
    A dozen strawberries.
    A low-fat yogurt.

To make a strawberry mousse you have to add the ingredients in a bowl and beat until well mixed, then put it in the fridge and when they have passed 10 minutes you can eat.
Yogurt cream.


    low-fat yogurt of tropical fruits.
    An egg white.

These ingredients have to beat them until it looks like snow and add sweetener to taste.
Apple with cinnamon.


    150 grams of apple.
    Cinnamon and powdered.

First you peel the apple, put it in glass with water and a cinnamon stick, then bring them to a boil. Then remove it and cool it in the fridge. When you go to eat agrégale cinnamon and sweetener.

Also remember that to prepare other types of homemade desserts, you can use light jams, replace margarine with olive oil and avoid saturated fats and ingredients that are high in calories, such as nuts, butter, cream cheese, cream industrial, etc.

Some of the best lightweights to bring desserts are yogurts, liquid yogurt and low-fat cheese. These types of desserts are low in calories, and if you add some small pieces of fruit such as apple, or a spoonful of jam diet, low-calorie cereals, etc. They may know more rich. You can also use the cookies marías as low calorie desserts, as these contain very few. You can add jam light and fresh cheese with cinnamon.

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