
Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

Exercises to run without injuries

The race is a very demanding exercise due to continuous impacts. We propose a series of exercises to improve your performance and avoid injuries.


Once collected adaptations metabolic level to achieve an efficient system of energy supply and adaptations of the cardiorespiratory system, they will assume greater prominence the need to acquire better mechanical adaptations and obtain greater resistance of different tissues to withstand the loads to which They will continue to be subdued and retain their proper function.

Most brokers, once arrived at this level that want to increase their performance, choose to increase the volume in your workouts, increasing weekly kilometers. However, this traditional approach as usual and will not get a significant metabolic level and much less mechanical increase, but quite the opposite.

When the amateur runner is at this level of increased demand, the result is that only a slight increase is achieved in metabolic factors but, and this is the important point, is exposed to a significantly increased risk articulate unimproved factors mechanical. The result is evident when we look at the reality of these amateur levels: runners acceptable level of performance, but with increased mechanical disturbances such as plantar fasciitis, shin splints, lower back pain, patellar tendinitis, etc. At this level of form, to run faster and better, do not run more but less. Reference developed several exercises its importance and great transfer to the race must know and include in your fitness program.


Improve joint mobility proper running technique, besides getting wider and smoother stride and shortenings be avoided with alterations. A clear objective is to improve mobility of the ankle, but at the same time try to enhance soleus and posterior tibial. Therefore, dynamic and active stretching will be a much more interesting than passive and maintained classic option.
With the tip of high standing on a small height, extend the leg and drops the weight on the heel dynamically. There are two options:

1. With the knee flexed you do more emphasis on soleus and the whole mass of connective tissue surrounding it.

2. With the knee extended, is incident on the twins. It is interesting to include both options.
To influence the whole tone of soleus fascia, stand with knees bent and the other leg and balance the body weight forward flexing the ankle, but preventing the heel rises. The knee should extend beyond the toes.

The connective tissue is undoubtedly the main limiting mobility. At the bottom you get strong enveloping layers of fascia fulfill their function, so the more you deform with stretching, we must keep them in optimal condition with degree of tension but avoiding adhesions, allowing its oxygenation and input of energy substrates and drainage cleanse the area of waste products and metabolites.

Roller wheel with the weight of the legs between the calf and ankle area larger proportion of connective tissue itself. You can use other means such as a balloon or increase
pressure with one foot on the other.
Also massage the hip rotators. Cross one leg over the other and apply pressure on the deep muscles.


It is not a matter of gaining muscle mass, but to achieve functional improvements force transfer to the race. Once you have a good basic strength levels, transfer it to these specific exercises:
Triple extension kettlebellHold a kettlebell (can also be done with a barbell) and start performing a squat with hip and knee flexion. Get some inertia in the first repetitions and once acquired, extends the movement of the lower limb with the extension of the ankle.The charge amounts legs and no arms. When the highest point, which coincides with the maximum extension is reached, the kettlebell is practically at a standstill where the load disappears. The feeling you should have is that we could even open my hands for a moment. This feeling is necessary to ensure that the movement printing certain inertia to the load is performed as the movement of flexion and extension must be performed dynamically and slightly explosive without stopping at any time.It is important to reach the maximum of hip and knee but above all emphasis should be placed on the ankle extension, raising his heels. If you have opportunity, performs barefoot exercise. You get an extra job stability and putting into action of the stabilizing muscles of the plantar arch.

Bulgarian Squat

The squat unipodales are much closer to the pattern of behavior in the race. Applying a great job of stabilizing both the core and especially the gluteus medius hip. Bulgarian squat, where the back leg is elevated, is an excellent exercise that manages to combine the work force, intermuscular coordination, stability and even mobility. Keep the trunk forward, bend both knees and tries to get the supporting leg remains always oriented on support foot, keeping the knee is projected forward. It is a movement down and not forward. The kickstand receives a great encouragement to improve proprioception and stability (if done barefoot, much better) and the hip flexors of the back leg receive a lift to descend, for this reason must maintain a strong activation of the wall abdominal preventing the lumbar spine to arch excessively. The unilateral work, also allow more homogeneous adaptations between the two hemibodies, avoiding imbalances.
 Lunge jump

The main function of the gluteus maximus in the race is to manage the impact with an eccentric contraction. To approach this pattern of mechanical behavior, and if you have power and control, will be very successful eccentrics and small and quick reaction pliometrías work. A self-loading exercise is hopping Stride: push yourself to
change the support with a good range of legs.
Core hip

The work of the muscles of the abdominal wall will bring stability to the lumbar region but also must include exercises that activate the gluteus medius hip. The criteria.
It is to select exercises that bring benefits of improved strength to the gluteus medius, but which in turn do not apply a high voltage in other structures that would be inappropriate. In this regard, the side plate with bent knee support helps to avoid significant participation and involvement of muscle tension
fascia lata (TFL) and increased tension in the iliotibial band.

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