
Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

Implementing a Balanced Diet To Lose Weight

Many people are mistaken in thinking that to lose weight you need to starve and deprive themselves of some meals. However, if you want to take a real balanced diet to lose weight you just have to learn to plan your food and the accompaniment of some workouts.

While the purpose of a diet is to lose those extra pounds, it is important to avoid such diets that cause what is to stop eating and starve. The best thing to do is to have a nutritious and balanced diet, managing to eliminate all that weight caused by eating fatty and sugar-rich foods.

It is important that this based on your diet foods rich in vitamins, containing proteins, minerals, carbohydrates and lipids.
You can add menus to your balanced diet to lose weight.

Day 1.

    A cup of cereal.
    Half a cup of skim milk.
    An Apple.
    A light gelatin.

Day 2.

    A cup of coffee or tea.
    A cup of fruit salad.
    A low-fat yogurt with granola.

Day 3.

    A cup of skim milk with coffee.
    A cup of fruits, such as bananas, apples, strawberries and papaya.
    A glass of carrot juice.

Day 4.

    light wheat bread with jam.
    A low fat yogurt and cereal.
    An Apple.

Day 5.

    A glass of orange juice.
    Two slices of papaya.
    A cup of herbal tea.

In the midmorning you can only eat some fruit or a portion of gelatin.


Day 1.

    A cup of spinach soup.
    A fillet of grilled chicken.
    An omelette.
    An orange juice.

Day 2.

    Half a cup of brown rice.
    A serving of cooked vegetables.
    A fillet of grilled fish.
    An infusion.

Day 3.

    A cup of vegetable soup.
    A roasted chicken breast.
    Pureed vegetables.
    A glass of papaya juice.

Day 4.

    A fillet of grilled meat.
    Two toast.
    A vegetable salad with fat-free dressing.
    A glass of orange juice.

Day 5.

    A steak.
    A salad of lettuce, cucumbers, carrots and spinach with dressing.
    A carrot juice.
    Half a cup of brown rice.

In the afternoon you can eat an apple, a cucumber or carrot with lemon and biscuits with fiber.

At dinner you can choose one option from the following:

    A cup of cereal with skim milk.
    A toast with chicken.
    Half a loaf of ham and cheese light.
    A baked chicken with mashed vegetables.

One of the main secrets to a balanced diet to lose weight and enjoy your favorite foods without containing too many calories are:

    When you go to prepare your meals cook them with olive oil.
    Avoid fry sauces and beans, let them be cooked in its own fat.
    Choose low-fat foods.
    Replace white flour bread by the integral.

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