
Senin, 14 Maret 2016

Easy weight watchers points plus recipes

Easy weight watchers points plus recipes
There are days when working the dining room is full of culinary atrocities. We have little time to cook and just getting into the pan first thing we see, not just prepare: dry fillets, last pasta, salads with the dressing position from the morning (the horror) ... Sometimes it's even worse: we must resort to precooked dishes, which are not only unhealthy, are also very bad.

The reality is that we all love to eat well, but do not always know how. But it just takes a little effort to prepare dishes that can lead to the following work day without compromising our health and our palate.

In the book The most appetizing diet eating everything (Planet), a series of recipes dishes -enmarcadas in slimming method "Weight Watchers" of WeightWatchers- perfect to take to work are proposed. It is mains, it satisfying enough not to have to walk snacking between meals, but with the right calories to keep our ideal weight. These are four of the recipes proposals in volume. All they designed for four people.

Easy weight watchers points plus recipes

Terrine of hake and vegetables


    400 g hake fillets
    200 g of cheese Burgos 0% M.G. crushed
    2 carrots, diced
    150g green beans chopped
    4 egg whites
    Olive oil
    Parsley and chopped chives
    Salt and pepper
    240 g basmati rice
    15g currants
    1 onion, chopped
    1 clove garlic, minced
    1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
    1 Natural yogurt
    Juice of half a lemon

Easy weight watchers points plus recipes preparation

1. Cook the fish fillets steamed between 5 and 8 minutes crumble. Cook carrots and green beans in salted water for about 8 minutes.

2. Beat egg whites until stiff and mix with the cheese of Burgos, carrots and chopped parsley. Add the hake, salt and pepper and stir.

3. Pour the mixture into a greased rectangular mold with two teaspoons of olive oil and bake at 190 ° C water bath about 40 minutes. Remove and let cool in a water bath itself, and then in the refrigerator for about 12 hours, covered with transparent film. Cut into thick slices.

4. On the other hand, boil the rice in salted water along with currants until ready. Meanwhile, saute the onion and garlic in a nonstick pan with a tablespoon of oil. Add the chopped parsley. Mix with rice, salt, pepper, cinnamon and nutmeg.

5. Mix the yogurt with a tablespoon of oil and season with lemon juice, salt, pepper, parsley and chives to taste.

6. Serve the terrine of hake with basmati rice and yogurt sauce.

Sautéed chickpeas and chicken


    400 g cooked chickpeas
    260 g rice
    250g chicken breast
    1 clove garlic
    Juice of half a lemon
    Olive oil
    1 onion
    1 carrot
    1 courgette
    1 teaspoon cumin seeds
    1 sprig of parsley
    black pepper


1. Boil the rice in plenty of salted water until ready. Drain and set aside.

2. Cut the chicken breast into strips and let marinate with chopped garlic and a tablespoon of lemon juice about 30 minutes. After this time, you sauté in a pan with a tablespoon of olive oil about 4 minutes. Add salt and pepper and set aside.

3. Chop the onion, carrot cut into strips and diced zucchini.

4. Saute the onion in a pan over low heat with remaining tablespoon of olive oil until it is transparent. Add the carrot and zucchini. Add salt and pepper and saute another 5 minutes. Incorporate the drained chickpeas and cook 2 minutes.

5. Add the chicken strips, cumin seeds and chopped parsley. Cook another minute and serve with rice aside.

Rice salad with smoked salmon


    260 g rice
    250 g of green beans
    1 medium avocado
    Juice 3 lemons or limes
    100 g pitted green olives
    1 cucumber
    50 g of smoked salmon
    2 tablespoons olive oil
    Black pepper


1. Boil the rice in plenty of water until it is ready.

2. Meanwhile, trim, chop and boil in salted water about 10 minutes green beans. Drain, cool and reserve. Cut the avocado into cubes and sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut into slices olives and cucumber. Cut the salmon into strips. (You can also be prepared with other smoked, such as cod, herring or trout).

3. Drain the rice and refresh in cold water. In a bowl, mix the rice with beans, cucumber slices, olives, avocado and salmon.

4. When serving, wash it all with remaining lemon juice and oil. Add salt and pepper and mix well.

Veal with mushrooms



    800 g of beef or beef cheek, clean, boneless and large dice
    1 onion, chopped
    1 clove garlic, minced
    3 carrots, sliced
    250 g of peeled onions
    300 g of chopped mushrooms
    100 ml water
    2 tablespoons olive oil
    50 g of tomato sauce
    1 tablespoon flour
    3 glasses of water
    1 glass of red wine (120 ml)
    1 sprig thyme (the leaves)
    black pepper


1. Heat a tablespoon of oil in a pan and brown the cheeks. Remove and, in the same oil, saute the onion very slow fire about 5 minutes. Add the garlic and cook another minute. Add back the cheek, stir briefly and add the tomato sauce and carrots. Sprinkle with flour and cover with water glasses and red wine. Add salt and pepper, cover and simmer over low heat about 2 hours and 30 minutes.

2. In another pan, saute the mushrooms with the other tablespoon of oil, salt and pepper and remove. In the same pan, saute the onions for one minute. Cover with 100 ml of water, cover and cook over low heat about 20 minutes.

3. Add the onions, mushrooms and thyme leaves the meat casserole, once finished cooking; cook together about 10 minutes and serve.

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