
Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

Shall we start with exercise?

The holidays are over, another year slouch, clean slate !! It is the time of the purposes: I will now get serious with English, I'll quit ... And among the most common purposes ... lose weight !! If this is yours ... congratulations !! Nothing better to invest in your body, you only have one and we must take care !! It is the best investment you can do and the rewards are endless.

Hyper motivation started full of courage to face this new challenge we have set ourselves, without thinking twice ...

I'm in the gym !! I'll come every day an hour and with that and a good diet quickly lose the extra kilos, if you really put your mind and get it ... my most sincere congratulations !! a lot of willpower need to change your routine and get a few hours of your schedule to get into a gym to burn those calories hated. It is very hard, especially for people who do not have that habit or who have long without exercise. That is why, most of the time, we three, four days, we crush inhumanely and a week, with shoelaces until the tabs, just leaving. If you feel identified / a read on, I'll give the keys to this time is different.

Take years without exercise, lead a relatively sedentary life: work, home ... you can not ask the body that overnight meets your daily routine (not little) and compromise to limit the heart, muscles , joints ... for 4 hours a week without them complain as shoelaces, overload, injury, fatigue, lack of performance ... The body needs to adapt to exercise and this adaptation must be gradual, let's go little little purchasing enough capacity to cope without physical consequences and animistic course (lack of motivation, boredom, moodiness).

We have already decided to follow a healthy and proper diet is the first step, important, physically secure that we are better to feed a "fuel" of much better quality: better digestion, we feel more energetic, lighter ... let's take advantage of that !! We never punish the body that already has its own thing now is adapting to this new lifestyle. As I said before, let's go slowly, adding small changes to our body gets used to the exercise and will do almost effortlessly, fun, entertaining, varied.

I will propose a few little tricks that can be introduced into your life and almost without realizing it help you lose weight, gain energy, prepare the body for more active life style and all without punishing. Ideally you go changing and every day appliques one of them, and be more varied, entertaining and anger seeing what do you like or what it costs you less.

Small changes to the BIG CHANGE


Your body and your wallet will thank you, start or end the morning with a walk helps start the day with another mood, with more energy, the more clearheaded. Test it!! If you see yourself forced to use the car, try to park further away, or if you use the bus, get off one stop earlier.

(Unless you come shopping with three bags in each hand, of course). Although initially cost a little and legs complain, once you get used until there comes a time you'll do without realizing it.

Do you remember any activity you They performed and you loved? Cycling, skating, jumping rope, walking through the park with chatting with a friend or listening to music ... and among them my favorite, which deserves special mention:

4-DANCE !!
Put on the music you like and let yourself go! Accompanied, tango, Latin dances, Spanish dance, is a complete and super fun exercise.

5-PLAY !!
We currently have many devices (wii consoles, video games, computer) with which we can have fun at the same time had a good time both alone and with our children, family, friends ... Also we "chop" and try to improve ourselves, what that makes us play more.

6- WALK !!
With the company of your pet, a friend, music ... Do not take it as an obligation but as a relaxation therapy, at your own pace, without stress, enjoying the scenery, the company and the sense of well being all physical activity causes.

7- active rest !!

If you like to get home after long day and sit and watch your favorite show, you can continue to do so, lie down on the carpet, there are hundreds of exercises q can be doing without killing you, these entertaining with your program while you work your body almost find out.

So we reconcile with exercise with little effort, in a much more fun and entertaining way, almost without realizing it and without submitting to any risk to our health.

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