
Senin, 14 Maret 2016

How to Lose Weight Fast: 3 Easy Steps to Lose Weight


lose weight fast tips

There are many ways to lose weight fast a lot of kilos.

However, most of them will make you feel hungry and insatisfech.

And unless you have an iron willpower, hunger will you and you end up giving up your goals.

The sad truth, which may have already checked personally, is that conventional ideas, eat less, run, do not work long term.

Counting calories, exercise every day trying to ignore your hunger. This is unnecessary suffering, as well as a waste of time and a way to waste your precious willpower. We could call it "The weight loss for masochists". With which almost everyone gives up. Perhaps because of this also, that today suffer severe obesity epidemic.

Fortunately, there is a better way to achieve your goal. Get ready to lose weight effortlessly.

Here I present a practical step by step guide to get thin quickly and healthily:


Are you list? Let's go there.

The 3-step plan that will explain is:

    Reduce your appetite significantly.

    How to lose weight without you having to go hungry.

    While improving your metabolic health.

Everything is supported by scientific studies.

Step 1 and step 2 you will see that are more focused on the diet to lose weight and the third step focused exercise to lose weight, doing well both get your goal ¡¡¡BEGIN !!!

How to lose weight, step 1:


If you want to lose weight you should start by avoiding sugar and starch (eg bread). For more than 100 years there has been an infinite number of diets to lose weight by reducing carbohydrates.

Today, modern studies have shown that a low carbohydrate diet is the most effective way to lose weight.

Obviously, it is possible to lose weight with any diet, only need to eat fewer calories than you burn that right? The problem with this simple advice is that it ignores the big problem faced by people who practice this: Hunger.

To most people they do not like it "just have to eat less," ie starve forever. That is a diet of masochists. Sooner or later you'll end up throwing in the towel, back to eating what you ate and therefore gain weight, it is what is known as "yo-yo".

The main advantage of low-carb diets is causing you want to eat less.

Even without counting calories most people are overweight eat far fewer calories in a diet low in carbohydrates. Sugar and starch make you increase hunger, appetite preventing the desirable levels are reduced. Conclusion: You can eat quietly without having to be counting calories.

A study in 2012 showed that people who follow a low carbohydrate diet burn 300 calories more per day, while resting.

According to one Harvard professors who conducted the study benefits will include Imagine that "the same number of calories as an hour of physical activity of moderate intensity burn": An hour of exercise every day, without having to really do it.

In short: A diet low in carbohydrates reduces hunger and makes it easier to eat less. You can even increase fat burning at rest.

Many studies confirm that a low carbohydrate diet is the smart way to lose weight and improve important markers for health.

The most important part is that you reduce sugars and starches (carbohydrates).

These are more foods that stimulate insulin secretion. In case you did not know, insulin is the primary hormone of fat storage in our body.

When there is no insulin spikes, fat has it easier to get out of fat reserves and our body begins to burn fat instead of carbohydrates.

Another benefit of reducing insulin is that your kidneys remove excess sodium and water in your body, which manages to reduce the swelling.

It is not uncommon to lose up to 4 kilos (sometimes more) in the first week of eating this way, eliminating weight through body fat and water.

This is a graph of a study comparing a low-carb diet and a diet low in fat in overweight / obesity.

lose weight

The group of people taking a low-carb diet can eat until you feel full, while the low-fat group has restricted calories and hungry.

By reducing carbohydrates, low insulin and start to eat fewer calories automatically without having to go hungry.

In short, reduced insulin makes fat loss on "autopilot".

Conclusion: Eliminate sugars and starches (carbohydrates) from your diet will reduce your insulin levels, reducing appetite and making you lose weight without starving.


Each of your meals must have a protein source, a fat source and other low carbohydrate vegetables. Thereby making your meals get a carbohydrate intake in the recommended 20-50 grams per day range.

lose weight fast


    Meat: Beef, chicken, pork, lamb, bacon, etc.

    Fish and seafood: salmon, trout, shrimp, lobster, etc.

    Eggs: Eggs enriched with Omega-3 (organic eggs)

A high protein diet is beneficial to lose weight quickly.

It has been shown that with a power increase protein metabolism in 80 to 100 calories per day.

Diets high in protein also able to reduce by 60% the obsessive thoughts about food, they also reduce the desire to peck at the end of the day, and make you feel fuller making you eat 441 calories less each day ... adding... protein in your meals.

When it comes to losing weight, protein is the nutrient king. I remember that.

low-carbohydrate vegetables:

slimming foods





    Brussels sprouts.






Do not be afraid to fill your plate with these low carbohydrate vegetables. You can eat large amounts of them and making it not go from 20 to 50 grams of carbohydrates per day.

One based on meat and vegetables diet contains all the fiber, vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy. There is no physiological need to add beans to your diet.


lose weight quickly

    Olive oil

    Coconut oil

    Avocado oil



Come 2 to 3 meals each day. If you feel hungry, you can add a fourth meal.

Do not be afraid to eat fat, if you reduce carbohydrates and fats will be Sentence to failure. You'll feel weak and you'll end up leaving.

The best fat you can use for cooking is coconut oil. It is rich in fats called a (medium chain triglycerides). These fats get slightly increase metabolism.

There is no reason to fear these natural fats, new studies confirm us that saturated fat does not increase the risk of heart disease.

Conclusion: Your meals must have a source of protein, a source of fat and low carbohydrate vegetables. This will put you in the range of 20 to 50 grams of carbs and get reduce insulin levels.

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