
Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

Chicken burger with high protein

Today I will teach you to prepare one of those meals that certainly we all love, but for fear of breaking our diet, on more than one occasion we deprive ourselves of it. It is a chicken burger with high protein content. For its preparation we will need:

250 grams of chicken breast
1 hamburger bun
Tomato slices 2/3
Chopped onion
Garlic seasoning
2 egg whites
Mozzarella cheese
Ketchup and mustard to taste
We start chopping the chicken breast with a whisk. Then, in a bowl mix the chopped onion (to taste) with chicken breast; and add garlic powder to give it a little more flavor. Will manipulate the chopped brisket until the desired shape of hamburger.

Chicken burger with high protein
We'll take a few drops of oil in the pan to prevent sticking us, and simmer, will cook our hamburger for about 10 minutes. I personally recommend you make small cuts on each side of the burger to be done right inside. Once we have listed the meat will miss the mozzarella cheese on top of this, while it is still in the pan.

This will help to melt, and therefore will give a special touch to our meal. That done, so we can only mount our "wonderful" and if we want to add a splash of mustard or ketchup.

Chicken burger with high protein. Elaboration
Calories from chicken burger
Although we may seem, this gives us a sensational burger with 600 calories more than acceptable macronutrient that will leave us open-mouthed!

It contains about 72 grams of protein, largely thanks to the chicken breast and mozzarella cheese, which are high quality proteins. 43.5 grams of carbohydrates, which provide us the energy to perform throughout the day; and finally only 15.8 grams of fat.

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