
Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Truth of the 6 diets More Celebs

There are thousands of diets designed for weight loss, the big difference between them is that some can cause more problems than remedy because they do not provide the body with enough nutrients to function properly.

Weight-loss diets Below some of these popular diets that many put into practice and have produced the expected effects. Take your precautions before choosing the one that suits you.

Dieting: the 6 most used

1. Diet 5: 2:

It is based on intermittent fasting diet. You must eat normally but in a healthy way for 5 days a week and fast in the remaining two days.

It is said that this program improves life expectancy and brain function, but the absence of major food does cause dizziness and difficulty sleeping.

2. Dukan Diet:

It is one of the diets that require low carb foods and an abundant amount of protein. What more should be consumed in this program is chicken, turkey, eggs, fish and dairy fat.

You can lose weight quickly at first, but over time the loss will be slower.

3. Diet cave:

Diets - Chicken consists of eating only foods that can be hunted and fish, such as meat and fish, and foods that can be collected, such as eggs, nuts, seeds, vegetables and spices.

One of the great advantages of this diet is that it encourages less processed and healthier choices for your body.

4. New Atkins diet:

Initially, it is a diet low in carbohydrates and with fewer restrictions than many other diets. more foods are introduced as advances in diet and in the early stages of weight loss is quite fast, what motivates the person to follow the plan.

5. South Beach Diet:

It is a diet that was designed for patients with heart problems. This diet should not count calories or portions should be eaten three times a day and should eat two snacks.

It consists mainly of meat, vegetables and unsaturated fats; the absence of some foods can cause the body initially decompensate.

6. Slimming Diet:

Diets - Slimming is a food plan that invites people to follow him to eliminate foods high in fat and replace foods that satisfy your appetite and do not contain fats.

Among these foods we can mention the fruits, vegetables, pasta, potatoes, rice, lean meats, fish and eggs. Of all these foods you can consume the desired amount without limit.

It is one of the most popular weight loss diets because it is balanced and does not involve severe changes or too many restrictions.

My recommendation is do not put your health at stake. Today it is possible to achieve rapid and completely safe with 3 WEEKS DIET, Brian Flatt results. This revolutionary new system will make you lose all your body fat in record time.

slimming detox diet

For its new system of food combining and completely different exercises all you know so far, this plan will make you burn fat without losing muscle mass, keeping your metabolic system accelerated and filling you with energy.

Not only see you getting thinner day with this detox slimming diet also'll feel better, your skin will look luminous and hydrated, and even your hair will be healthier.

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