
Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

Keys training to lose fat

Losing kilos of body fat health is not just a matter of eating fewer calories, burn more also, so correctly orient your training is critical to getting good results. The contents of a workout plan to lose fat should cover two main objectives: firstly, to produce a significant caloric expenditure. On the other, raise the metabolic rate.

1. Produce a high caloric expenditure

In this sense cardiovascular exercises are clearly the most suitable, the controversy always revolves around what would be the duration and intensity adequate to metabolize fat deposits as energy fuel (use stored fat in your body as a source of majority energy). Clarifying this point is difficult because there is a point from which to begin energy production through fat and on the other hand, also it depends on the fitness level of each person. What we can do is recommend important criteria you should consider.

→ The best means

Choose cardiovascular movilices media where the greatest amount of muscle mass and the least possible fatigue occurs. This at first seems difficult, we can solve choosing where media without impact and mobilize both the lower body, as the top. The most suitable, especially for beginners and overweight people are elliptical, rowing and swimming, less suitable for producing rapid local fatigue are career and stair stepper.

→ Time and intensity

We have always heard that fat starts to burn after 30 minutes, however this is not true at all. To access the fat reserves, we deplete significantly glycogen stores, this change of energy supplies occurs progressively and underhanded way, as they are depleted stocks of muscle glycogen and blood glucose, the body tends progressively to obtain energy through degradation of fatty acids. Therefore, longer exercise duration, greater participation of fats as energy supply. For this reason, we can consider that a cardiovascular exercise with less than 30 minutes will be unable to use energy reserves as fat, instead exercises than 40 minutes, significantly access to fat reserves form.

In terms of intensity, it will depend on the fitness level. trained people should select high moderate intensities (60-85%), while people who do not have a good aerobic capacity should choose low to moderate intensities (50 to 70%)

2. Raise the metabolic rate

Another very important issue and that sometimes goes unnoticed, it is to try our bodies maintain a high caloric intake. In this sense, the muscle tissue is largely responsible for achieving a high metabolism. People with high muscle tone, need greater supply of nutrients, muscle synthesis, temperature control, etc. An active muscle, represents a high metabolic cost, even, and this is important, at rest. Finally, a cross and varied means and methods, training will avoid these overloads that occur when we make the same gesture or repetitive activity and also be much more entertaining and motivating.

For this reason, it is very suitable for weight loss goals, including a program of strength-resistance with a goal of improved muscle tone.

→ type training

Strength programs that complement a cardiovascular workout to lose weight should be strength-endurance type exercises where large muscle groups are selected, in the form of circuit and with moderate loads where we notice some muscle fatigue with 15 to 20 repetitions.

→ Sessions addressed

The group classes such as "Body-pump" where free weights are handled, are also an interesting alternative to meet this objective. You can substitute your training room for these sessions. Although for people that start is advisable to start with a program room with machines for conditioning and then to access collective sessions are more demanding.

→ Order of the exercises

To encourage energy production through fat deposits, it is appropriate that we place the previous strength training to cardiovascular. In this way we get a double benefit: on the one hand will deplete glycogen stores much earlier for faster access to fat in subsequent cardiovascular training form, and on the other hand, strength training causes a hormonal discharge of catecholamines positively involved in the production of energy through the degradation of fatty tissue deposits.

→ A weekly ideal program

Here is a weekly program that will serve as a reference. Cardiovascular training should have a weekly total duration between 2 and 3 hours and strength training should be present two days a week with sessions between 30 and 40 minutes.

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