
Senin, 21 Maret 2016

Benefits of chicken broth

The meat remains to date the most simple and rich way to absorb protein, iron and B vitamins in our bodies, not for nothing was the food impulse that needed the man to develop the brains of high energy we have and the instrument to access colder from our warm African cradle, or ask an Eskimo ancient climates which was the basis of your diet in arctic icy lands, I do not think that included vegetables and rarely fire. Also the lack of physical activity of modern life and the relative ease of access to meat made us see that the abuse of this nutrient-rich food can cause health damage, but is that all excess hurts us up water (Drinking too much water can demineralizing). But when part of a balanced diet and a person who remains physically active to include some meat can be very beneficial, meat is not bad or unnecessary is only very rich in nutrients and we must have the right lifestyle for compensate to its high energy content.
Broccoli soup
One of the preparations is essential in the kitchen and through which we can incorporate meat is chicken soup, broth in many places born to ration meat, which was very expensive and scarce, depending on the pocket of who prepares the broth ratio between pieces of flesh and bones that were added to the broth could vary. In many places such as chicken broth it emerged from old chickens, when their egg production had diminished, sought one last way to take advantage of the animal, plus a hard flesh like an old hen only it could be cooked in broth for a long process. Today it is done with young people and place animals to place the recipes vary, for example, in Mexico the broth with whole pieces of chicken, to which is added a selection of vegetables in my house is done well was added a little rice at the bottom of broth is cooked along with it; but I understand elsewhere pieces of chicken, giblets and leftovers are used, are also added noodles or other supplements and species, but in essence they are all chicken broths and have similar nutritional properties.

A good chicken broth can contain a balanced composition of proteins and vitamins, which come from meat and vegetables additions to the broth, it has always been considered a comfort food and popularly has been considered as a home remedy to cater for those who suffer a cold, clean broth should start with washing the chicken pieces, which then must be placed in cold water until it is brought to a boil, this way all the proteins that make them look dirty broth are separated from the meat, then must re-extract the meat and cleaned, reinserted into ice water and back to be heated slowly, uncovered the pot allowing water to evaporate so that not boil the broth and the foam that forms on its surface is dehydrated, once it is hot add the vegetables you want to accompany and cooking is continued until all ingredients are ready, once cool you can remove the fat that is trapped on the surface, obtaining a broth low in fat and calories, this principle could apply to other meats.

Chicken broth is also known for being easy to digest in our stomachs when you are not added irritants such as lemon or hot, being recommended for people suffering from diarrhea or irritable bowel. Provides minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium, contributes glycine collagen chicken bones that helps maintain cartilage found in the joints of our phones, such as the knees or elbows bones, it also contains arginine It helps us keep the immune system functioning and wound healing, perhaps there comes the popular notion that are good for colds. There are many things that you can discover the chicken broth, but you will not get many of the benefits reading this article, but a few recipes for preparing it. In addition to the chicken broth is quintessentially in the kitchen, how many preparations can find on this blog or any of your recipes that do not require a few cups of chicken broth ?, I assure you that all these recipes will shine even more if your prepare your own chicken broth reserves, large kitchen boasts all the quality of the chicken broth.

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