
Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

Food and healthy habits in childhood

Food and healthy habits in childhood
Why is it so important to good nutrition in childhood?
From a nutritional standpoint, childhood is a very delicate stage of life. Nutrient needs are high, we must also bear in mind that at this stage the body is immature, in the process of growth and formation.
It is important that the smallest of the house to eat healthily because obesity is currently one of the major diseases affecting this group.
The task of parents is not easy, children should acquire habits so that they learn to eat and grow as they should.
How to do it?
The discovery of novel foods is very important at an early age, parents should include all kinds of food; vegetables, fish, meat, fruit and vegetables are essential to meet the energy needs.
Feeding children
Breakfast is one of the most important meals. Younger should start the day with energy, awaits a long day of school.
Many are children who go without breakfast or perform daily making their way to school. The family must organize time for this way enjoy breakfast.
Do not just give them a glass of milk, cookies or pastries. We must include in its natural juices breakfast or a piece of fruit.
Half tomorrow is important to reinforce food breakfast; yogurt, fruit or snack.
A full breakfast contributes to the prevention of obesity, in addition to improving performance and attitude at school.
- Avoid or decrease the consumption of less appropriate foods, pastries and sugar.
- Contributes to achieve adequate nutritional intake.
Food is usually the most consistent of the day. Currently many children eat daily in school canteens, so it is important that parents are informed about the menu that their children eat to strengthen when you get home. A recommendation for meals is to be included as a dessert fruit, as usual.
The snack is a take quite accepted by children. We must include dairy products, juices and snacks and avoid consuming industrial bakery. It is important not to overeat, because if this happens will come no appetite for dinner.
Dinner will be based on foods that have already consumed on the day. It is recommended that are not too heavy; puree, soup, fish, meat, salad ...
Keys to healthy eating:
nutritional Nesidades children
- Varied. We must get used to eat and taste all kinds of food. From small it is easier to acquire healthy habits.
- Balanced. It is important to cover the energy needs so we must know the school menu it takes to make at home.
- Nourishing. You have to offer a wide range of foods, fruits, vegetables, meat and fish.
- Appetizing. You will play a very important role in the way we cook food, so we will see what their preferences and can be educated so that not always give what the child asks. The appearance that the food has to be attractive to call the attention of the child.
- Amused. At all times children should be participants in the kitchen and when going shopping. It's a fun way to learn and acquire healthy habits. It is one of the most important points to cross the road to success in nutrition education.
-Ordenada. You have to enjoy every meal with the family. It is important to maintain a relaxed and peaceful for children to feel comfortable and enjoy her environment.
We must avoid distractions, food is a family reunion. It is a good time to communicate with your children.
- Education. The adoption of children eating habits is essential to promote growth and development, also prevent chronic diseases in adulthood.
physical activity in children
The practice of physical exercise, supplemented with healthy eating, is essential to prevent disease and promote health.
The child must get used to physical activity and reduce sedentary leisure avoiding excessive hours of TV and video games.

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