
Minggu, 13 Maret 2016

Pear, a fruit rich in vitamins

Easy diet food recipes - Pears, plus delight for taste, are valuable for their nutritional content also prevent certain health risks. It is a very versatile fruit that can be eaten all year.

To begin protect against free radicals. Pears are a source of vitamin C and copper, which are antioxidants that help protect your cells from the negative effects of free radicals, which are unstable molecules. In addition vitamin C stimulates white blood cells to fight some infections.

cardiovascular health and the condition of the colon
Having a complete diet that includes foods high in fiber, such as pears, can help prevent constipation. In many studies it has been found that an adequate intake of fiber can help lower cholesterol levels and to benefit people who are at risk of developing atherosclerosis, diabetes or heart disease. The fiber in the colon binds bile salts and helps remove bile salts, they have no cholesterol in their structure, so that the body must break more cholesterol to synthesize more bile, a substance which is necessary for digestion, so a reduction in blood cholesterol levels occurs.

Fiber also binds to certain substances that may be carcinogenic in the colon, and can help prevent damage colon cells. This may be one reason why high fiber diets are associated with a possible decrease in colon cancer.

In addition, a low-copper diet also associated to be a risk factor for colon cancer by increased production of free radicals in the colon, among other factors, so that a diet including foods copper is recommended, as pears.

Protection of breast cancer
In a study applied to more than 50 thousand women (after menopause) a reduction of 34% of breast cancer was observed in those who consumed a diet high in fiber included fruit compared with another group of women who had a consumption less.

It was also observed in this study that women who had hormone treatment and who consumed a diet high in fiber, especially cereal fiber, had 50% less risk of breast cancer compared with those who consumed less fiber, according to studies published (1).
The fiber-rich fruits in this study included pears, apples, figs, dates and prunes, and diet high in fiber from whole grains including cereals, especially bran.

Pears are a non-allergenic fruit
Overall consumption of pears to people who require a soft diet or are more susceptible to allergies recommended because pears are generally well tolerated; even it recommended that the pear is the first fruit that is given to babies start eating solid foods, being easily digested. Like any other food, it should be offered to baby gradually and hygienically prepared.

Pears will help protect macular degeneration
Macular degeneration is a degenerative eye disease that affects the center of the retina in people over 60 years. It is the second most frequent cause of blindness in the elderly, behind diabetes. Various theories have been proposed as a cause of macular degeneration is partly blamed to ultraviolet light and other theories blames nutritional factors.

It has been seen in some published in the journal Archives of Ophthalmology that consuming three servings or more per day of fruit can help reduce the risk of macular degeneration present studies.

In this study, a decrease of 36% chance of developing the disease compared to those who consumed only half past one serving of fruit per day was observed.

In this study we included 110 thousand women and men and the effects of consumption of fruit and their antioxidant content, especially vitamins C, A and E and carotenoids, and possible protection against the development of this disease were evaluated. Daily consumption of at least three servings of fruit high in these vitamins, such as pears, can help reduce the risk of this disease.

Source: Int J Cancer. 2008 Jan 15; 122 (2): 403-12.

Curiosities to Know Before Buying
Choosing the best pear based on the image thereof is sufficient. The pear is a fruit that ripens after being cut tree. This means you can develop characteristics such as tenderness, juiciness, flavor and texture after harvested. You can not judge a pear maturity according to color, because different varieties do not change color as they mature

- The pears ripen from the inside out, a feature that lets you know when to consume. As for how to detect if a pear is ripe, do the "thumb test": Gently press the base of the stem; if it feels smooth, then it is ripe, otherwise, can ripen at room temperature or if you want to accelerate ripening, place in a paper bag with bananas.

- If they are ripe and you want to keep them, they must remain refrigerated.
- Avoid hit them or mistreat them, this will prevent marks and deterioration occur when mature.

Pears are a fruit whose consumption has historically transpired worldwide thanks to its distinctive and delicious flavor and appearance. This universal fame is inherent in the USA Pears that enrich the table of our homes and our health benefit.

Nutritionist Gloria Corral / USA Pears

Crepas de Pera

¾ cup flour
½ cup milk
½ cup water
½ cup egg whites
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon sugar
1 pinch
2 tablespoons melted butter

5 Pears Bosc
1 teaspoon butter
½ cup brown sugar, divided

½ cup pear nectar
½ cup sweet white wine (can substitute water)
1 tablespoon cornstarch


Sift the flour into a bowl, add the remaining ingredients except the butter; stir well with a whisk until everything is incorporated; let the mixture sit for a few minutes.

Lightly grease a pan with Teflon with melted butter, empty a quarter cup of the mixture onto the pan, quickly moves the pan in all directions so that the mixture is spread and left a thin crepe, cook for about two minutes; Carefully separate the edges of the pan; the crepe is ready when it is well curd and is easily removed from the pan. Place the crepes in a tea towel and wrap well.
To make the filling, peel the pears keeping the shells; pears cut into thin slices. Melt butter in a pan with Teflon, add the pear slices and cook for one minute until pears are slightly soft; integrates a spoonful of sugar to the pears and let them cook for five minutes, remove them from the pan. Add the pear shells to the pan, add seven tablespoons brown sugar, cook for a minute or until the sugar melts; constantly moving with a shovel.

The sauce
Mix in a bowl pear nectar with wine and cornstarch; stir well until the starch is dissolved, add this mixture to the pan, lower the heat and simmer, stirring constantly, until the sauce thickens.

To assemble crepes filled each crepe, fold them into four, place them on a plate and dip to serve with the sauce. Serve hot.

Preparation time: one hour
Difficulty: medium
Serves four

A medium pear contains only 100 calories

PERA MEDIAN (166g) provides:
100 Kcal.
26 g. Carbohydrate
6g. fiber
190 mg. potassium
1g. protein
2% calcium

Source: International Diabetes Federation. The Global Burden of Diabetes. Diabetes Atlas, Second Edition, 2003.

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