
Kamis, 17 Maret 2016

How to prepare a recipe Tomato Frito Casero?

People at home are always trying to develop healthier foods to avoid eating cooked foods. The homemade fried tomato is the base of many food recipes, such as: pasta, meat, chicken and fish. This simple recipe starts with a fried onion, celery, a little oil, tomatoes and seasonings, but some people add other ingredients such as carrots, garlic, mushrooms, sausage, wine and other vegetables.

This recipe is easy to prepare and in just 15 minutes, you can give a little more flavor to your spaghetti, stuffed with meat or any other recipe. And the best part is that if you do not use it all in one meal, you have the option to save it in the refrigerator and it remains perfect for 3 days.
Recipe for homemade tomato sauce.


    One onion finely chopped.
    Three large ripe tomatoes.
    Olive oil.
    Salt and pepper to taste.
    Finely chopped garlic.
    A stalk of celery cut small pieces.
    A spoonful of sugar.


- First you heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium heat, when hot add to it is the chopped onion and celery. Stir and decreases the fire, when the onion begins to change color agregale garlic clove.

- When the garlic is well fried, preventing them from burning, add in the pan three ripe tomatoes, remember wash them well and cut into squares previously.

- Remove the tomatoes with oil so that they are well mixed, then rises a little flame heat until boiling. Then you have to lower the flame and add salt, pepper and sugar scoop. After ten minutes with a wooden spoon mix tomatoes and tighten them gently to loosen some of its water and the flavor of the sauce concentrate.

It is important that tomatoes do not hurry, because the cooking time is critical, while cooking have to remove them to prevent the tomatoes from sticking to the pan. When the juice sauce is reduced and this increasingly concentrated, it is the time for you to extinguish the fire.

Before drafting this recipe make sure you use tomatoes are ripe, no matter that they are soft or a little ugly. Among the varieties of tomatoes that you can use, called Canary tomatoes are the best to prepare this recipe for homemade tomato sauce.

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