
Rabu, 16 Maret 2016

Food and Fertility

When a woman wants to have a baby thousands of questions arise: Will I be healthy? Will my baby healthy? How should I feed during pregnancy? And before pregnancy ...? Does that man have something special account?
Today we want to shed some light on this important issue, we will try very interesting points, some known and others not so much. But in any case we are sure that if you are thinking of having a family all these little things will come great :)

It is clear that everything goes well we start with the base: have a good health. And as we are what we eat we will focus on food and healthy habits that will make the process of conception and gestation stages nice and quiet.
(Clicking on the images of food will see much larger.)

Folic acid.
We've all heard of it, it is a vitamin. And we all know you have to start taking a few months before going to the baby. But do you know why it is so important? It's fascinating, here we go: Folic acid is necessary for each and every one of the baby's cells from forming properly.

If the mother of a state with low folic acid will be no difficulty in conceiving, in the implementation (your uterus will not be as well prepared as it should), there will be more risk of babies with neural tube problems and other malformations. Damage may become so important during the early stages of pregnancy could be abortion.

That is why for years is a common practice to take vitamin supplements that include folic acid recommended at this stage.

In addition, women who have taken oral contraceptives, anticonvulsants or those that have not been properly fed long have folic acid low, so if supplementation is already important, it is even more in these girls.

Foods rich in folic acid.

B12 vitamin.
Women suffering from anemia called megaloblastic (vitamin B12) suffer infertility improves significantly when this vitamin supplements.

It has also been observed that in some men B12 treatment improves the process of formation of spermatozoa.

Foods rich in vitamin B12.

Vitamin C.
This especially affects men: its supplementation promotes increased amount and motility.

Foods rich in vitamin C.

Vitamins A, D and E.
Studies with these vitamins have taken place in laboratory animal experimentation and reflect the importance of fertilization. But it seems that we can extend these data to humans, because a deficiency in any of these vitamins also interferes with fertility at different levels.

Foods rich in vitamins A, D and E.

The lack of this mineral in women may be responsible for the rule can not be in some cycles.

Moreover, in men it has a direct influence on impotence and atrophy of the testicles.

Zinc-rich foods.

It is essential for the mobility of sperm is adequate. Also involved in the very formation of sperm and fertilization.

Foods rich in selenium.
Severe iodine deficiency reduces fertility. If pregnancy occurs there is more risk of abortion and malformations.

Foods rich in iodine.
To assess the deposition of iron in the body it should be noted the value of ferritin in blood. It has been observed that when women have iron deficiency is very difficult pregnancy and implantation of the embryo in the early stages is unsuccessful.

Iron-rich foods.

In recent years, fertility specialists gynecologists in their studies include a nutritional monitoring (both men and women) to assess whether these and other elements are within appropriate. If a nutritional deficiency is observed the first step to treat infertility will fix that situation.

Following a balanced and varied diet (which are consumed frequently, vegetables, legumes, meat and fish) have discussed the values ​​that should be in place. But as each person is a world to prevent infertility or any possible illness in the baby and / or mother, automatically today the family doctor prescribes a multivitamin and mineral supplement anything that the woman wishes to become pregnant . Today also advised the man to take it. These products are necessary to ensure proper nutrient intake in men as in women dose.

SNUFF, coffee and alcohol.
Both men and women snuff consumption is related to infertility.

Specifically in women it is also related to the development of ectopic pregnancies. And in men a decrease in sperm quality and increased risk of malformations in babies is observed.

It is advisable therefore not smoke during the months before conception or during pregnancy.

If, in addition, male or female, have problems of infertility, snuff aggravates.

Caffeine (especially women) is also linked to lower fertility. And alcohol consumed regularly in both men and women, greatly hinders the ability to conceive.

To conceive and have a healthy pregnancy is advisable that women and men departing from an appropriate weight.

If they are below their "ideal" weight will have fertility problems (are typical cases where the excessively thin women were removed from the rule) and fertility is also worse if one or both are above the proper weight.

If you want to know what your healthy weight range can access this article: calculate my weight.

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