
Jumat, 18 Maret 2016

4 Recipes Infallible Liquefied Slimming

Many liquefied slimming preparations that can be found online, but all of these have chosen 4 which are really effective and why it is worth recommending them.

To prepare these smoothie recipes you'll need some ingredients easy to come by, as are some vegetables, some fruits and water, yogurt and sometimes some ice.

It is also very easy to make them, and you just have to wash the ingredients well and throw them in the blender to beat them.

You see, you have no excuse to lose weight healthily and effectively. I will give you the recipes, and you just have to put to work, enjoy their flavor and amazed with the results.

4 Shakes for weight loss that you can not miss trying

Recipes before you, my recommendation is to prepare them use cold water, ice or cold yogurt, because by taking the liquid at this temperature your body will consume much more energy than usual.

And now, yes, here you are 4 recipes slimming shakes I promised:

    The first is quite simple and uses a pear with 8 medium strawberries and a cup of yogurt. Some ice cubes are added to the blender and liquefy until homogeneous. should not peel fruits and taken instantly.

    The following recipe uses a vegetable and fruit: cucumber and pineapple. You can use a medium cucumber and a large slice of pineapple. Both must liquefy in ice water until it as homogeneous as possible. This juice should not slip and should be taken immediately.

    This is one of my favorite smoothies. He wears orange juice, a few strawberries and a medium banana. Blend all ingredients with a little water, if necessary, and get it instantly.

    Finally I will give you the recipe for a smoothie vegetables. This takes a celery, medium cucumber and a tomato. You must liquefy all with cold water and taken immediately. Do not pass through the strainer and only wash the vegetables thoroughly before making preparation.

How to make these smoothies?

Finally, I will tell you some tips so you know how to take these liquefied so that much more effective.

I recommend you take them on an empty stomach, to begin fine the day. You can also take one mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack. Another good option is to take 10 minutes before meals. This will help you incorporate very good nutrients to the body and to have little hungry at mealtime, which insurance will help you lose more weight.

Do not forget that it is best to get fresh fruits and vegetables to make these smoothies, in addition to choosing mineral or purified water to consume. Also, opt for low-fat yogurt and has no added sugar.

A very important point is that none of these diet shakes you or adding sugar to honey. This would not be so profitable so better to take them natural.

And if you want to see incredible results in a short time, then you have to combine liquefied with a meal plan effective for burning fat and an exercise routine to speed up this process. Do you want to know what my recommendation for a healthy and attractive body? 3 WEEKS DIET, Brian Flatt.

Fruit smoothies sometimes not enough to thin out the will, but you need a guide to tell you what foods to eat, how to combine them and what exercises to do to burn fat effectively.

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