
Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

Orange calories. All you need to know

Orange calories. All you need to know
There are two delicious ways to eat oranges, one is in juice and the other is the whole fruit ... but you know how many calories are orange, juice and whole?

The truth is that Orange has very few and harmless calories, 100 grams of this fruit are only 42 calories and 2.4 grams of fiber, so there is no reason not to feel safe eating these fruits Cundo is a strict diet.

The benefits of oranges are excellent because they contain lots of antioxidants and help digestion; therefore, they are extraordinary diet.

The calories of orange juice and whole
Although it may seem far-fetched we know that the amount of calories and energy intake orange juice is not equal to a whole orange, even in the case of the same orange concerned.

Calories Orange
Often we do not take into account liquids when counting calories. This happens with orange juice, and it is wrong because we thought we consume the same amount of calories and is not, can take a big surprise.

When we say that is not equal to eat a whole orange to make juice we mean foods that are different compositions. Not only because of the calories, but also for the contribution that gives us energy.

The average calorie of an orange is 63 for a fruit of 150 grams and to make a 200 ml glass of orange juice need approximately four oranges translated calories are 252 calories, not counting fiber containing juice that is only 6 grams, so it provides much less fiber than the whole fruit to eat.

Having such a difference in the fiber provided in the juice, the natural sugar of it is assimilated by the body faster, or provide us with more fiber lie orange, it will slow down the absorption of sugars.

Fruits are ideal for diets, but we must take into account the way in which we consume as we can find surprises how are you. In short, we can say that the calories of orange are very rare, for their benefit, unlike his orange juice.

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