
Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

Do you stay hungry at lunch?

Depending on which days, we can stay with the feeling that more would eat right?
We will give you 3 tricks to satiate 100% but without affecting your diet :)
You can choose a different one each day:

TIP No. 1:
Accompany your meal with a few simple vegetables: for example, you can add to your meals of white asparagus 100 g or 100 g of canned peppers (peppers,...).
You can also prepare some thin slices of grilled zucchini, using the same pan in which you cook your food without adding more oil.
Barely Meteors 20 to 30 calories in your food. They will not affect the rate of weight loss, but you will feel more satisfied / a after finishing the meal. In addition you will include a ration of extra fiber, which never vien bad to our gut.

TIP # 2:
Accompany your meal with a good I calentido bouillon BRICK, those who sell ready, type white vegetable broth or chicken aneto.
A glass of 250 mL aneto vegetable broth, contributes only 15 calories !! And it really will help you feel more satiated / a.

TRICK # 3:
Next to the chosen dessert (a piece of fruit or nonfat yogurt) also takes an infusion with saccharine or similar: this does not provide calories, but you will leave feeling fuller / a :)
In the market there are hundreds of different varieties of tea, sure some will love it !!!

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