
Selasa, 12 April 2016

Food for the heart

What are the best foods for your heart?

Food plays a very important role in cardiovascular health.

1. BE CONTROLLED LDL below 150 mg./dl. This is the type of cholesterol called "bad" versus HDL, high density, which is called "good". LDL should be as low as possible, since it is related to atherosclerosis.

What foods you hurt? Coconut oil, palm oil, butter, sausages, pork or industrial sweets are some of the most raise your LDL.
What foods help you? Instead, it is positive to increase consumption of soluble fibers that carry LDL (vegetables, fruits, legumes and nuts), starches (bread, pasta, cereals and potatoes) and soy protein.

2. Check blood triglycerides below 160 mg./dl. Although the level of blood lipids is closely related to HDL, excess sugars and refined carbohydrates directly affect these plasma triglycerides, affecting all our cholesterol.

What foods you hurt? Refined sugars, sweets in general, alcohol (from two glasses of wine a day), red meat and precooked foods of poor quality.
What foods help you? The Mediterranean diet, ie, fruits, vegetables, unsaturated fats ... You have to add lean meats and poultry fat dairy. The consumption of blue fish, because it contains omega-3, it is important not so much because they act directly on triglycerides, but because they provide flexibility to blood vessels and are vasodilators, ie, to prevent "sticking" fats to the walls of arteries and veins.

3. Controlling hypertension. This imbalance favors atherosclerosis and ventricular hypertrophy and systolic, and have other effects on kidneys, brain ... Try to keep the tension between 140 mm. Hg. and 90 mm. Hg.

What foods you hurt? In this case, alcohol and salt should be almost completely banned (and limit the amount of sausage, cured meats and canned).
What foods help you? Whole grains, foods with high amounts of potassium, such as green leafy vegetables, dried fruits or vegetables, and low fat dairy.

Obesity, fat and heart

    Obesity is a major risk factor for heart, which is usually associated with excessive fat intake. But there are fats necessary and very positive for cardiovascular health. Rosa Maria Ortega, Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Pharmacy of the Complutense University of Madrid, says that within fatty acids, cis, mono (olive oil) and polyunsaturated
    (Omega-3) protect against cardiovascular disease. For example, plant sterols and their hydrogenated forms, stanols, cause decreases blood cholesterol, and added to many dairy and margarines.

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