
Rabu, 06 April 2016

What to eat with the Dukan diet: examples breakfast, lunch and dinner

The Dukan diet is a phenomenon that still depopulated by the mere fact that promises rapid weight loss unusual and 7 days. It is, as we have seen before, a diet high in protein, based on 4 stages, attack, cruise, consolidation and stabilization.

Dukan diet
For each stage there allowed foods and not others. I must say that in the first phase, the attack, you can eat only protein in the second passage we see alternating days + vegetable protein with other proteins as well. With the consolidation we introduce more free meals while in stabilization, to keep all his life, power is free from the obligation of Thursday pure protein and oat bran.
Weight loss is 1 to 5-7kg already in the first phase, but everything depends on the metabolic reaction. The Dukan diet is also very challenged by the main Italian nutritionists consider it dangerous and unbalanced. The opinions of those who have tried it are rather mixed, in fact others argue that states feel good despite blood tests unpacked and it was wrong to the point of having to resort to medical treatment.
As far as I'm concerned, it's always the old rule, if the lost are better kg important to consult a good nutritionist who follow diets so-called masses.
Here are some of the meals, for example, for those who follow the Dukan diet, divided by phase
Etching step without vegetables at this stage and only the protein
Scrambled eggs with smoked salmon
Ham "Panini" consisting of chopped lean ham, clear cream cheese, chives and chopped shallot. With these ingredients are formed into balls and add some Tabasco sauce, if desired.
Beef steak grilled with soy sauce, ginger and spices.
Cruise phase
At this stage of pure proteins days alternate with days of protein + vegetables. Remember, starchy vegetables like carrots and beets should be eaten in moderation.
Here is a typical day of protein + vegetables
Skim milk with sweetener, roast turkey with cheese
shrimp cocktail
roast chicken with ginger, chili and green salad
Consolidation phase - lasts 5 days per kilo lost in the previous phases.
These are the foods to be introduced
A serving of fruit a day, except sugar, bananas, grapes, figs.
2 slices whole wheat bread a day.
40 grams per day of hard cheese.
2 servings of starchy foods per week, rice, couscous, polenta (225g.) Or potatoes or beans.
One free meal a week at first. Following two free meals a week make.
One day of pure protein binding week.
2 tablespoons of oat bran a day.
Stabilization phase - lasts a lifetime and is used to maintain weight.
At this stage it is not an obligation on Thursday of protein as well, but otherwise you normally eat. As a "safety net" to consider the consolidation phase, at least for the first time, and whether to increase the weight should fall under attack for a couple of days.

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