
Minggu, 10 April 2016

Pegan diet: a mix between paleo and vegan

The Pegan diet is the latest in diets. It is a mixture between the paleolithic diet and vegan meals (vegetarian). Florence Foucaut, dietitian and nutritionist, offers his opinion on this new diet. Dr. Mark Hyman, American nutritionist, is the inventor of this new concept, which is also called paleovegana diet.

What is Pegan diet?

The Pegan diet is inspired by the power of our ancient cavemen (who consumed, according to the people who started the paleolithic diet, few animal protein and lots of vegetables) and vegetarian food (excluding any food from the animal world) .

Therefore, the Pegan diet is a diet based on the plant, introducing a bit of protein and good fats of animal origin. In this regard, the reference to the vegan diet, which completely excludes meat, is a mistake. Actually, the peganismo looks more like a low-fat diet paleolithic with certain limitations.

Professional nutrition Florence Foucaut see on this new diet especially "a simple reduction of animal protein intake, which is not as bad as today we consume more than we need, and increased intake of fruits and vegetables ".
The diet in practice Pegan

The dishes are composed Sticking 75% of plant and 25% of animal proteins (eggs, fish, preferably organic chicken). According to its website, Dr. Hymas also prepares a list of all the foods to avoid: dairy products, processed foods, industrial sugars, gluten and refined oils.

In his view, much should be made of fruits, vegetables, grains and good fats contained in the oleaginous (such as walnuts), while limiting meat, which "must be of good quality." Common sense tips that, according to dietitian Florence Foucaut, "approach to recommendations for good food hygiene, despite the hue of dairy products eliminated."
Pegan diet: is it really effective?

Florence Foucaut is difficult to see the diet as a diet Pegan "slimming". "If you follow an unbalanced diet, with many industrial foods, and you adopt this diet, weight loss may occur. But it should be noted that you should pay attention to the amount of dried legumes and oleaginous fruits since their energy intake is far from negligible ".

Instead, with the Pegan diet can be expected to impact on energy, shape and greater well-being occur. But nothing is assured and, although positive changes can be observed, it is impossible to quantify.
Advantages of diet Pegan

Foucaut to Florence, one of the advantages of this diet is that it does not completely exclude animal products, but simply reduces the amount and calls to choose quality products. "Here, we keep animal proteins. It is important as they are the only ones that contain vitamin B12, which is not found in the plant world. And without this contribution, there is a risk of deficiencies "He adds:". By reducing the intake of meat, also saturated fatty acids and cholesterol are reduced. "

Another advantage observed by the nutrition professional "Processed industrial products are excluded and this is a good thing because they contain numerous additives, preservatives and added sugars. In fact, you can live perfectly without added sugars such as sucrose. There are other types of sugars that allow glucose to provide necessary for the body to function ".

The Pegan diet seems to have many positive effects on health, Dr. Hyman included in a list published on its website. especially it emphasizes the positive effects in case of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity, although not shown by independent and accurate studies on the issue.

"In addition, by increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet, we increase the intake of vitamins and minerals. And also increase the amount of fiber, which helps prevent certain cancers, "continues the specialist.

Drawbacks of diet Pegan

According to the dietitian, this diet has two negative points. "By completely eliminating dairy products, the risk of calcium deficiency. An adult needs 900 mg of calcium daily. Adolescents and elderly people require 1,200 mg. It is true that calcium is also found in vegetables, but not in sufficient quantity and above all that this calcium is absorbed less well than containing dairy products. "

The other negative point of this diet is the increased supply of fibers. According to people, this may involve digestive problems, diarrhea, constipation ...

"I advise against this diet for people with sensitive intestines given the high contribution of fiber. The risk of calcium deficiency makes this diet is not particularly suited to teenagers and the elderly. Finally, the program makes no reference Pegan at any time to physical activity. And yet, a balanced diet or a diet should always be combined with physical activity, "he concludes the dietitian.

The Pegan diet is more like a healthy than a true life weight loss diet. Although not adapted to overweight people, you can seduce those who are willing to return to a healthy diet.

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