
Rabu, 27 April 2016

Food - Nutrition - Diet - Diet What do they mean? PART II

NUTRITION, FOOD DIET AND DIET four widely used but little known concepts.

At present, the company is heavily involved in issues related to supply, demand more and better nutritional information and establishes discussions about it in various sectors of everyday life.

But really, do we understand the meaning of the terms ?, is the same feed that nourish ?, what do we mean by "dieting" ?.

In this article, we will try to resolve these doubts and clarify concepts that although we use in everyday life, we do not know its true definition.

Food vs Nutrition.

Feed means form and way to provide the body with foods that are indispensable. While the WHO (World Health Organization) defines nutrition as food intake in relation to the dietary needs of the organism.

Therefore, it is noteworthy that food and nutrition are essentially different concepts: food is a result of a series of activities, conscious and voluntary, under which the human being unfit for consumption substances is provided, the splitting them modifies, cooking them, etc., and just inserting them in the mouth munching, also consciously.

From here begins nutrition; these foods are digested in the digestive tract, containing nutrients are absorbed and transported to the tissues where they are used, and all this is done unintentionally and unconsciously.

In short, any of us can choose to eat meat or vegetables but instead does not depend on us or not absorb all the nutrients contained in such foods.

Diet and dietetics.

The word diet comes from the Greek dayta, meaning "way of life". In many contexts it is used synonymously with diet, referring to the set and amounts of foods commonly consumed.

Confusion or error with this concept arises, being popularly associated with reduced food intake in order to lose weight or maintain a certain body weight.

As a result, dietary science that studies how and art of combining foods in order to make a way and style appropriate and healthy eating based on the physiological, psychological and socio-cultural needs of each person arises.

dietitian Nutritionist

Finally, it is the dietitian, health professionals, recognized expert who has the ability to intervene and address all these concepts and detailed above, either individually and collectively.

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