
Selasa, 12 April 2016

Soybeans, a perfect food

Attack bad cholesterol, prevents cancers such as breast or prostate cancer and alleviates hot flashes of menopause. But do not settle for any product: some have trap.

Soybeans originated in China, where it was a sacred legume about 3,000 years ago. Soybean they released their sauce, miso and tofu, products that have ended up becoming the basis of their diet. The differences between the health of Easterners and Westerners, not regular consumers of soy, is what raised the interest in their properties. In countries like Japan, where the average plant estrogen intakes between 20 and 50 mg. daily, the risk of breast cancer is five to eight times lower than in Western Europe, where the average is 1 mg. daily.

According to Dr. Javier Haya, head of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, General Hospital of Ciudad Real, and President of the Spanish Society of Gynaecology Phytotherapeutic (SEGIF) to take full advantage of the healthy benefits of soy, is best taken whole (as a legume more, though more
cooking time) or through soy-based products, not
part of it, "soy, not soy" he explains. This is important when choosing functional foods (yogurt, milk, margarine or similar ...) that promise to make good soybean but only have part of it. In this case, it is not to be worse, but only get the benefits of that part of the soybean, and not the rest. Leticia B. Carrera, Carrera Happiness Medical Center says that products made with parts derived from soybean soybean but not 100%, based on a process of separation and purification of grain that makes certain nutrients are lost. For example, the alcohol extract proteins, isoflavones are destroyed.

And what we are interested in soy?

    "Soy protein provides the best, just below the cod," says Dr. Hague. In these proteins are the famous isoflavones, which are scientifically known to prevent hot flashes in menopause, hot flashes that affect more than 80% of women in this situation.

     Besides proteins, is very interesting its lecithin content within their fat, since this nutrient lowers cholesterol. The content of omega-3 and omega-6 in soybeans is very similar to the blue fish and soy oil is the most heart-healthy olive after and ahead of corn: "25g. soy a day, along with a balanced diet, lowers LDL or bad cholesterol, "says this expert.
    Among its hydrates, it must be said that are not only rich in fiber, but they are slowly absorbed. "

    Perhaps most interesting of soy phytoestrogens called isoflavones are few, well-known for being antisofocos during menopause. All products derived from soy contains them to a greater or lesser extent, with the exception of soy sauce and its oil, which practically do not appear. But it also increased soybean regular consumption prevents cancers such as breast and prostate in several ways. As these plant estrogens appear in soybeans are similar in shape and structure to human estrogen, many studies claim that high soy consumption can be dangerous for children. Dr. Hague disagrees: "may be coupled to beta estrogen receptors, but not alpha receptors, which itself would be dangerous. That is, they are like estrogen, but they are not "so children can take natural soy quietly.


■ To prevent breast cancer should be consumed more than 25 mg. of isoflavones a day, and do it as soon as possible, as prevention, especially in puberty. For the prostate, it is not known for sure how much.

 ■ Several studies have revealed that giving 40g. Additional soy protein a day mineral content increases to certain vertebrae of the spine, as well as reducing the severity of menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes.

■ The soy consumption in childhood could halve the risk of breast cancer, according to a study by the National Cancer Institute of the United States: the high soy consumption in childhood was associated with 58% less cancer breast; if in adolescence and adult years, between 20 and 25%.

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