
Senin, 11 April 2016

What are carbohydrates?

    The term carbohydrates includes starches, cellulose and pectin, abundant in fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals.

    There are simple and complex
    There are three main types: sugars, starches and fiber. Starches (rice, pasta ...) and fiber are complex. Sugars are simple.

    Pasta, rice ... are complex carbohydrates
    Improve physical capacity. They are: rice, pasta, bread, legumes, cereals, vegetables, crackers and chips.

    The muscles used to move
    Carbohydrates are metabolized into glucose; it is used by the muscles to move. The muscles contain enough to feed 90 minutes.

    Protect our body
    Colon Cancer protect, accelerate the transit of food waste and associated with the intake of vitamins.

    Does sugar is good or bad?
    He energizes. It can be taken directly or glucose (honey), fructose (fruit), lactose (milk), maltose (cereals) and sucrose.

    75 percent of energy
    Carbohydrates make up three quarters of the living world. They constitute 75 percent of global energy consumption.

     recommended daily requirements
    Women between 19 and 50 need 1,940 calories / day, 258 g. hydrate and 52 g. sugar / day (total). Men between 19 and 59 years should take 2,550 calories / day, 340 g. hydrate and 68 g. sugar / day.

How many calories they contain? Here are some examples:

    wholemeal bread: 215 100 g.
    digestive biscuit: 177 for 2 u.
    Muesli: 183 by 50 g.
    Beer: 88 per 275 ml.
    Wine: 95 140 ml.
    Apple: 47 for 1 u.
    Orange: 1 or 60.
    Sugar: 99 25 g.
    Eggplants: 15 per 100 g.
    Coles: 42 per 100 g.

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