
Minggu, 10 April 2016

Six foods that do not fit into a healthy pantry

While no prohibited in a balanced diet, in some cases food is important to choose healthier alternatives

A healthy pantry leads to a healthy diet. This axiom starts in the purchase. The decision to choose foods and products that seek greater welfare to the whole family approach the goal of making food in the best ally of health. Although it is usually better from positive action and success in the current market supply may sometimes should set the alarm and, if not prohibit, have the challenge of avoiding or replacing certain foods with more healthy. In this article, we take them out of the pantry and propose alternatives.
The six foods that should not be placed on our shelves

    1. juice-based drinks without gas. The best hydration of children and adults is achieved with water, but sometimes feel like a flavored liquid. It is the time of a fruit juice or a natural drink. With them they are achieved quench thirst with fresh produce. In winter, oranges are at their best time, and the summer fruit is loaded with water and is easy to squeeze and taste. If you can not avoid making a concession to packaged juices, we opt for the healthiest. To drink a child or as an accompaniment to a celebration party, it is best to choose juices with no added sugar and no gas, and no similar products that are touted as carrying added vitamins. Overall, this answers the second ingredient after water is sugar, and then the juice or mixture of concentrated juices, so, given the limited supply of juice, it is necessary to note the addition of vitamins and claim the consumer . We can say that these drinks as known to young audiences are not only soft drinks juices, although sold in the linear juices in supermarkets. We are aware that in a mere 200 milliliters one amalgam of flavor additives, stabilizers, sweeteners and dyes accumulates (although announced in large letters that are free from preservatives) that do nothing but detract from learning the flavors of children.

    2. Microwave Popcorn. Popcorn is a healthy snack, provided it is following the recipe of the grandmothers: in the pan and with very, very little oil. Microwave formulas sold packaged and ready for cooking on the package itself are saltier and, as brands contain unhealthy fats. The ingredients of these popcorn are corn, fat, salt and, in most cases, antioxidant additives. The type of fat you carry added, even plant, it is not always healthy. Better let the beans jump into the fire.

    3. Gelatin flavors. Gelatin is a colorless, translucent, brittle and tasteless semisolid mixture, obtained from collagen from animal connective tissue boiled with water. The reality is that gelatins colors are pure sugar and colorings. It is a treat, so it makes no sense to make room in the pantry some jellybeans. However, there is a possibility of getting the attractiveness of colors and flavors that inspire this bauble combining agar (natural thickener) with fruit juice or fruit pieces.

    4. Breakfast cereals with lots of sugar. A good breakfast must include your serving of fruit, their portion of protein and, of course, their portion of carbohydrates. Toasted bread soaked in milk or whole life can be boring, and if it is possible sometimes to alternate with cereals, is not equal. In addition, today there are so many kinds of breakfast cereals to hit the type consumed on a daily basis is an important issue, to the extent that translates into having a good or a bad habit. Too often the first ingredient is sugar instead of grain, and sometimes carry too many mixtures of sugars, which makes cereals, rather than a slow and progressive energy source, in a quick source of simple sugars fluctuations cause both insulin production as an emotional level (irritability, fatigue, drowsiness, lack of concentration ...). Therefore, it is not trivial to analyze well what box is included in the pantry. It is advisable to have the most natural and unsweetened cereals, muesli, next to wholemeal bread, rice pudding and, occasionally, homemade biscuits or craftsmen and crackers.

    5. Hot food. Without doubt, the best is the home kitchen, well prepared. Adopt the habit of cooking and be prepared to self dishes is the best recipe for a healthy diet, but not always possible. If legumes, vegetables, meat dishes, poultry, fish prepared accumulate in the pantry, you have to be sharp when analyzing certain ingredients. Olive oil always or sunflower, we should not overlook that include "vegetable oils" without specifying the origin. Beware of the following indications: lactose, casein, caseinates, milk protein, starches, thickeners, gelling agents, stabilizers ... Many of these additives, so widespread in amplitude of prepared foods, are problematic in case of food intolerance or histaminosis to milk or wheat, and too easily added to dishes cooked or precooked.

    6. Cream sweetened cocoa. It's a sweet. In addition, very sugary sweet and high fat content (and not just Hazelnuts, as expected, but vegetable oil of unknown nature, which distort more product quality). If you're running site in the pantry, it should be placed at the site of the extraordinary. It can also be chosen with the same aura of extraordinary, making the own recipe for chocolate cream and hazelnuts. Another very different thing is to get a pure hazelnut cream mixed with pure cocoa and a genuine point of panela or brown sugar. This last ingredient is the additional ingredient, providing a touch of sweetness to the recipe, but never the principal.

In short, healthy eating becomes a healthy pantry, which can be very attractive, tasty and heterogeneous without unnecessary concessions. Especially if we hollow to some easy and exciting alternatives.

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