
Senin, 04 April 2016

Three perfect recipes for dieting

We explain step by step, how to prepare three easy, nutritious and very suitable dishes for this time of year

After Christmas, many people who choose a healthy diet, based on vegetables and legumes, to recover the usual pace of their nutrition. But cooking does not have to be boring.

Here are three recipes for making perfect diet, prepared simple and fun for the whole family.

Spaghetti stew
The ham is cut into squares. Onion, garlic and a little celery are chopped very tiny. In a skillet all these ingredients, a little chopped parsley and put hot oil, and fry for a few minutes until they change color.
They add peas, season everything with salt and pepper and cook over low heat a few minutes.

In a separate bowl cook spaghetti for 10 minutes in boiling water with a little salt and, once cooked, drain. Then, spaghetti join the pan with peas, everything remains in the fire and served on a platter.

Ingredients for 5 or 6 people:
400 g of spaghetti, 300 g of canned peas, 100 g of ham, 1 onion, 1 clove garlic, celery, parsley, pepper, oil, salt.

Rice with ratatouille
rice is put into a bowl, pour over boiling salted water and add a tablespoon of oil. It is cooked in a microwave oven at 100% power for 12 minutes and then allowed to stand so that it is dry. It is passed to a ring mold and reserves. Besides, it gets a little oil with pi - ing and onion "very finely ground", and cook in the microwave for seven mi - utes at 100% power, trying to remove once during that time. tomatoes, eggplant and zucchini is then added and stir to mix well. It continues to cook, without varying the power, another 20 minutes. During this time it will be removed at least three times and rectify salt. Finally, unmold the rice in the bowl in which will serve the ratatouille is placed in the middle of the crown of rice and serve immediately so not cool.

Ingredients for 4 people:
1.5 cups of rice, 1 green pepper, 2 peeled and sliced ​​eggplants, 1 onion, 1 chopped zucchini, 200 g of crushed tomatoes, oil, salt.

Green revuelto beans mushrooms
the beans are cut into pieces, washed and put to cook in boiling water with salt and a little onion. When tender drain and reserve. In a saucepan with enough oil ham cut into small pieces fried; Once fried removed from the oil and set aside. In the same oil a tablespoon of finely chopped onion, a clove of garlic and finely chopped parsley also fry; when everything is fried tomatoes and chopped peppers are added. everything is cooked together for a few minutes and then add the beans and ham, stirring well to mix. Cover and cook slowly left, once rectified salt. Potatoes, cut into medium pieces, put to boil in cold water with a piece of onion, a clove of garlic and a sprig of parsley. Seasoned salt, cook for half an hour; once cooked, drain and sauté with a little oil. When everything is just right, the beans are passed to a dish and sprinkle with cooked egg. The potatoes are placed as an ornament and served.

Ingredients for 4 people:
850 g of green beans, 600 g of potatoes, 50 g of ham, 1 boiled egg, 1 onion, 1/4 kg of tomatoes, 1 time pepper, 2 cloves of garlic, parsley, oil, salt.

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