
Sabtu, 30 April 2016

Fish with more vitamin D

Vitamin D is a nutrient that can be obtained from the exposicóin to sunlight and very little food, including fish, but since there are a variety of these, today we show what the most vitamin D offer.
The following table lists the vitamin D content of fish concentrate greater proportion of this important nutrient for the body, it is not only useful to take care of our bones is shown.
FISH vitamin D
Per 100 grams
Herring 27 ug
Conger 22 ug
Smoked salmon 19 ug
Jurel 16 ug
Palometa 16 ug
9.9 ug salmon
Sardina 7.9 ug
Anchovy 7 ug
As you can see, most fish rich in vitamin D are oily fish, as lean white fish or have a lower proportion of this fat-soluble vitamin.

The rest of the fish are not here have 5 micrograms or less of vitamin D per 100 grams. Remember that are needed daily between 5 and 10 ug of vitamin intake with the above-named fish, we can cover very easily and thus prevent its deficit in our body.

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