
Selasa, 12 April 2016

How much omega-3 need?

I do not understand very well that the omega 3 and how I can take them. Bibiana L. (Palma de Mallorca)
Modern food science difference between two large groups of fats: saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fatty acids appear in many of the foods high in calories and sugar, while unsaturated are present mainly in vegetables and fish.
The omega-3 fatty acids are unsaturated (polyunsaturated) we found mainly in oily fish and fortified foods currently. They are also known as essential or indispensable fatty acids because our bodies can not manufacture them itself and are essential to ensure proper operation, and contribute to the prevention of various diseases.
Epidemiological studies show that their regular consumption can reduce cardiovascular risk by 30%, since it prevents the occurrence of arrhythmias, improves the lipid profile and reduces blood pressure.
Subject matter experts, recommended intake of 2 to 3 grams of omega-3 a day. Higher doses may be recommended even in specific situations.
For example, during childhood brain development aid and the organs of sight. At maturity it prevents against degenerative diseases, heart attacks, sudden death, or mental deterioration.
100 g = 2 g.. Omega-3
The best way
To maintain levels of Omega-3, it is best to follow the Japanese example with Nordic style sushi or marinating salmon. Cooking or steamed salmon the safest way to preserve the values ​​of Omega-3.

Danger: high temperatures
Fish fry in very hot oil can destroy Omega-3. However, if fried or cooked in the oven at low temperatures, it ensures at least part of the Omega-3 values. As a general rule, subjected to high temperatures to food means more destruction of omega-3.
Freezes without fear
Instead, freeze the salmon does not affect the levels of Omega-3. The same applies to vacuum cooked products provided that the process is done at relatively low temperatures.
Canned preserved
As for canned products, it does not affect the levels of Omega-3, provided that the process is carried out under oxygen-free conditions (vacuum). However, when fish is cooked before canning (at high temperatures) much fish oil is separated and, therefore, lost.
Smoked Salmon is rich in Omega-3
In the smoky, some Omega-3 is lost due to "drip" fats. Perolas drops are made mostly of water, so the loss of Omega-3 is relatively small. Above all, it is important to keep as low as possible in the smoking process temperatures. More information Norwegian salmon on its website.
You need them to your heart
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death and disease in our country. It is further estimated that the incidence of this disease could increase to 20% over the next 20 years, so that cardiovascular prevention is presented as the great challenge of specialists.
According to the voice of these experts, only to follow a Mediterranean diet high in omega-3 could be reduced up to 70% the risk of cardiovascular disease.
The omega-3 acids have ability to electrically stabilize cardiac myocyte contraction, reducing arrhythmias. Arrhythmia is a heart rhythm disorder which sometimes leads to sudden death. About half of the deaths from coronary heart disease are the result of the same.
Consumption of omega-3 increases life expectancy for people who have suffered heart attacks. Omega-3 act through a modification of the mechanisms related to endothelial dysfunction, inflammation, thrombosis and atherosclerosis, after which it can be concluded that omega-3s have a vasodilator antithrombotic effect, anti-inflammatory and.
In addition to lowering blood pressure, consumption of omega-3 lowers LDL ( "bad") cholesterol, increases HDL ( "good" cholesterol) and triglycerides particularly reduces. The most striking effect of omega-3 fatty acids on lipoprotein composition is the decrease in plasma triglyceride levels. In patients with hipertrigliceremia, it has shown that at doses of 3 to 4 g day of omega-3 a reduction of 45% triglyceride concentrations is achieved.

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