
Senin, 18 April 2016

Diet to Lose Weight Quickly: Lose 6 kg in 5 Days

All About Diet to Lose Weight Quickly: Lose 6 kg in 5 Days

No one needs to lose sleep because this a few extra pounds. More is not the case let them fix once in your waist, especially if you do not exercise. Be alert if the jeans tighten quickly stare a diet.

If you are going through the situation up this diet to lose weight fast can be a boost in the fight against balance. One said made with simple foods to meet with easy recipes to make.

The less muscle mass and more body fat your body has, the slower is your metabolism and burning calories.

Did you know that the food you consume weighs more in the stomach it also more fattening, so even when you eat a lot, is wrong partnerships or mix various foods at the same meal, digestion becomes more difficult.

The food that get stuck in the stomach ferments and it stores more energy of its molecules.

Result of the calorific value of food can triple. Not only that, fermentation also stimulates the production of toxins, substance leaving the slower metabolism and you heavier.

To have a successful diet is always required some sacrifices, we list below some attitudes that can sabotage your diet to lose weight fast:

Do not take water as thirst. Dozens of studies have shown that the water makes your body work better and satiates hunger;
Do not make the 6 meals that are on the menu or skip meals this may be the point between success and failure of any diet you do in your life .;
Not exercising during or after the end of the diet, it will certainly cause the concertina effect.

DAY 1:

1 cup skim milk tea with chocolate or nescafé light;
2 slice of bread;
2 light turkey breast slices.
Morning snack:

1 full-flavored yogurt to your choice + 1 tablespoon of flaxseed.

1 dish of salad truth;
2 tablespoons brown rice;
2 tablespoons bean;
1 medium grilled chicken fillet.
Afternoon snack:

2 toast light;
1 tablespoon light cream cheese.
Have a dinner:

slimming vegetable soup at will.

2 slices of pineapple.
For you already provides calories and trans fat on the label of food begin to also get sodium.

This substance is present in most industrialized products and excess makes your body retain fluid and swell.

DAY 2:

1 cup skim milk tea with chocolate or nescafé light;
6 Wafers water and salt;
1 tablespoon light jelly teas flavor of your choice.
Morning snack:
Select an option below:

1 pear;
1 apple;
1 small slice of papaya;
8 strawberries;
2 Kiwis;
2 Fresh plums.

slimming vegetable soup at will.
- Dessert: 1 slice of pineapple
Afternoon snack:

300ml slimming juice - flavor of your choice.
Have a dinner:

1 dish of salad green leaves + 1 sliced ​​tomato;
2 coleres of rice soup;
1 file grilled fish.

Tea without sugar at will. - Flavor of your choice.

DAY 3:

300ml fresh orange juice;
1 slice of bread;
1 slice of light turkey breast.
Morning snack:

300ml slimming juice - flavor of your choice.

1 dish of salad truth;
2 tablespoons brown rice;
2 tablespoons bean;
1 medium grilled chicken fillet.
Afternoon snack:

1 full-flavored yogurt to your choice + 1 tablespoon of flaxseed.
Have a dinner:

slimming vegetable soup at will.
- Dessert: 8 strawberries.


2 slices of pineapple.

DAY 4:

1 cup skim milk tea with chocolate or nescafé light;
2 slice of bread;
1 tablespoon light cream cheese tea.
Morning snack:
Select an option below:

1 pear;
1 apple;
1 small slice of papaya;
8 strawberries;
2 Kiwis;
2 Fresh plums.

slimming vegetable soup at will.
- Dessert: 1 small slice of watermelon

Afternoon snack:

1 light fruit yogurt.
Have a dinner:

1 banana baked with cinnamon;
1 grilled chicken fillet.

300ml slimming juice - flavor of your choice.

DAY 5:

1 cup skim milk tea with chocolate or nescafé light;
2 slice of bread;
1 teaspoon jam light flavor of your choice.
Morning snack:

2 polenquinhos light.

1 bowl of lettuce salad + 1 sliced ​​tomato;
2 tablespoons brown rice;
1 fish fillet or grilled chicken.
Afternoon snack:

300ml slimming juice - flavor of your choice.
Have a dinner:

slimming vegetable soup at will.
- Dessert: 1 small slice of melon


1 full-flavored yogurt to your choice + 1 tablespoon of flaxseed

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