
Senin, 04 April 2016

Best meals to lose weight fast and easy

Today many people think that if they stop eating lose weight, if a meal is skipped also lose weight very fast and easy.

But the truth is that if we do this we really are acting very bad! And you'll wonder why you did wrong? Simply by decreasing the amounts of calories and protein at breakfast, lunch or dinner are prone to being your metabolism work wrongly, making your body fat accumulates much more.

I'll leave a recommendation that food can include in your daily diet to help your metabolism to speed up the process of burning fat fast and easy.

In No. 1 to start the day, I advise eating oats:

As we well know oat cereal is rich in fiber, excellent to help your digestion. And it helps eliminate those cravings for more.

Note: breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, this will help to give a good performance to your metabolism to work perfectly throughout the day.

Number 2 a strong plate full of protein and carbohydrates:

100 gr. red meat, a cup of green beans, carrots and vanilla ice cream dessert.

Note: vanilla ice cream itself is not an ice cream is a mixture of 4 egg whites to soft peaks and sprinkled vanilla, leading to the refrigerator before using. This will give you the taste and texture similar to vanilla ice cream.

The idea of ​​this course is to eat ice cream daily recommended protein.

And finally number 3 dinner, it is recommended to consume half a can of tuna naturally, wholemeal bread and drink some black coffee or tea. They are low in fat ideal to make light foods rich in fiber and Lose weight fast and easy !.

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