
Senin, 18 April 2016

New Diet to Lose Weight up to 15kg in 15 Days: Full Menu

All About New Diet to Lose Weight up to 15kg in 15 Days: Full Menu

We unveil the secret of a good diet to lose weight in 15 days with nutritious foods and make good health, with options that only look, as the desire to eat.

Best of all is that the ingredients are extremely important to strengthen the immune system and aid digestion.

Excess of cholesterol and help those having obesity problems.

Eat arrival of the end of the year the diets and weight loss market has a very large growth is very people behind information and tips that can help in weight loss.

This time is common to see ads and commercials Shakes, recipes and remedies marketed as appetite suppressants and weight loss programs.

Unfortunately, the desire to lose weight often leads people to forget that weight loss will bring more benefit to the body when it is done in a healthy way.

You can actually lose weight healthily without passing by following a few basic steps.

First you must be completely focused and committed to their new power, should not cheat or even sabotage your diet.

A diet to lose weight fast in most cases is the point begins to anyone who wants to start a food reeducation truth.

Leakage diets that promise you miracles behind it may be the yo-yo effect that has so moved with dieters.

Tips to lose weight:
While chews put your cutlery on the table, studies have shown that doing this makes you eat at least 10% less food per meal. Eating slower allows your body is aligned to your brain, so that when you "feel" full you do not eat more.

Avoid processed or packaged foods. When consuming a wafer that is you will be eating fats, dyes, sugars and sodium. Before leaving chewing everything ahead read the label, lose 30 seconds doing it knows what you are eating in advance.

Measure your loss by how your clothes wear on you and yours alone on the scale once a week. Take your measurements once a month to assess your weight loss in inches, have all noted to compare later.

Add one or two extra vegetables in their main meals like lunch and dinner that is if you eat a lot more usually add an extra portion. Try new recipes with unknown ingredients so your food does not fall into monotony and you miss i interest in maintaining their nutritional education plan is interesting and works very well.

Make snacks with ingredients that you really like to be healthy eat vegetables fresh fruits or vegetables of your choice, low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese, and make sure to keep in places that are easy to see. Between meals the best choice is always a snack that is healthy and not get fat.

Drink plenty of water all day: about 2 liters per day. Drink a glass of water about 20 minutes before lunch or dinner that will to help you feel fuller before you even start eating. Do not shop when you're hungry. Make a healthy snack and a natural juice also works well before going to the supermarket.

Try to include in your diet a few minutes of daily walk. It is a great exercise for weight loss. You can start with just 15 minutes a day and increase the time as you feel more willing. If you can go hiking with a friend that is very good because it is mentally uplifting talk while walking time can quickly see when you've walked a lot more if it were alone.

Check here an ideal menu of 1200 calories for those wishing to lose weight with health, full Menu with six meals for you to lose 15kg in 15 days.

Option 1: 300 ml of orange juice + 1 toast light with 1 slice of turkey breast.
Option 2: 2 water + salt crackers and 300 ml vitamin avocado with skim milk and sweetener.
Option 3: 1 whole wheat toast with light cream cheese 1 cup +. (Tea) coffee with skim milk.
Option 4: 1 bread with light + 1 cup cheese. (Tea) of cappuccino.

Morning snack:

Option 1: 2 apricots.
Option 2: 1 Fig.
Option 3: 1 bunch of grapes.
Option 4: 300 ml of lemon juice.


Option 1: 1 omelet stuffed with white broccoli and cheese + salad of celery, tomato and arugula seasoned with olive oil and salt + 1 grilled chicken fillet.
Option 2: 1 col. (Soup) of brown rice + 1 grilled fish fillet with lemon sauce light + 2 col. (Soup) of steamed spinach.
Option 3: 2 col. (Soup) of brown rice + 1 can of tuna light + 1 bean shell + beet salad and grated carrots.
Option 4: 2 col. (Soup) of brown rice + 1 grilled salmon fillet + 3 cauliflower stalks + chayote salad vapor.

Afternoon snack:

Option 1: 1 slice of papaya.
Option 2: 1 slice of melon.
Option 3: 1 green apple.
Option 4: 2 nuts.

Have a dinner:

Option 1: 1 dish of salad of celery, dandelion, arugula and tomato, seasoned in olive oil + 1 grilled fish fillet + 1 dish and dessert of steamed broccoli with olive oil and garlic.
Option 2: 1 col. (Soup) of brown rice + 1 bean shell + 2 col. (Soup) of shredded chicken with rosemary and cabbage.
Option 3: 1 plate of green salad at home + 1 col. (Soup) of brown rice + 1 omelet stuffed with raisins, ricotta + 1 col. (Soup) of linseed.
Option 4: 1 beet dish steamed + 1 col. (Soup) of brown rice + 1 fillet of grilled loin + 1 col. (Chickpea Soup.


Option 1: 4 strawberries.
Option 2: 1 orange-file.
Option 3: ½ papaya.
Option 4: 1 cereal bar

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