
Senin, 11 April 2016

Nutrition myths

The bread fattening. During pregnancy there to eat for two. Are certain statements, half-truths or myths without scientific basis? We cleared all doubts for you to feed well without endangering your health ... or your silhouette.

1. Avoid oil?

    To José Mataix, Professor of Physiology at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Granada, "you can do without it, but not worth doing, since food without oil, such as salad dressing or cooking you do not feel anything."

    In addition, fats are an essential macronutrient diet and are essential for the proper functioning of the body. In fact there are vitamins, liposoluble calls, which are transported only in a fatty medium. Another different thing is the type of fat consumed and quantity. It is better prioritize monounsaturated (olive oil) over saturated (animal and coconut and palm oils). Total fat should not exceed 30-35 percent of the diet.

2. The salt causes hypertension?

    Excessive salt intake is not beneficial to the body. In addition to pressure, can lead to fluid retention and has also been associated with a worsening of osteoporosis, the most calcium excreted through urine.
    According Mataix Joseph, "the most obvious risk of excess salt is hypertension, since it retains water in the body, increasing blood volume and hence the pressure of the same". Do not forget that cooked food, drinks, sausages and canned usually already carry.

3. The fruit was better meals?

    As noted by Dr. Mataix, "at all. One should take them whenever you like. " This is true from a purely nutritional standpoint as if a diet is done. The same applies to the water, it has no calories and therefore does not influence the overweight.
    You have to drink water when you are thirsty, whatever the time of day, and try to drink two liters to be properly hydrated. Regarding the fruit, if for reasons of habit is preferred to consume after meals, there is no problem in doing so.

4. Do I have to eat for two during pregnancy?

    During pregnancy, especially at the end of the first quarter, an increase of nutritional needs of women, caused by fetal growth occurs. "In absolute terms you can not say I have to eat for two, but it is true that it is a physiological condition vulnerable from the nutritional point of view; you have to bend the recommended amounts of many nutrients respect to a nongestational situation. I think some pregnant women are not aware of the importance of nutrition at the time of his life, "says José Mataix.

    Therefore, it is essential to take care of food taking nutritional products within a varied, balanced and quality diet.

5. Bread fattening?

    "No food fat or thin. It is the total energy of the diet, when it exceeds our bodily needs, what causes it to accumulate as fat in the body. The bread in particular has no more calories than other foods such as meat or fish, especially if it is comprehensive, "explains the expert.

    A portion of bread provides about 200 calories; keep in mind that about 50 percent of which constitute the diet should come from carbohydrates, of which the bread is an exponent.

    As to whether less fattening when toasted, as many people think, "ingested to equal grams, toast usually has less water, but do not think it worthwhile to loop the loop on these issues," says José Mataix. Remember that the crust provides more calories than Crumb, although, it is true, toast produces more satiety than fresh.

 6. Is a vegetarian diet healthier?

    It depends on the type of vegetarian diet and the kind of omnivorous diet which compare. In this regard, Dr. Mataix understands that "no one could prove that it is healthier first. What you need to do is take a good omnivorous diet that is preferably vegetarian to make it optimal.

    Moreover, there are vegetarian diets bad, even dangerous ". It depends on the type. A vegetarian diet that excludes meat, but that supports animal protein such as eggs and milk, is more complete than a strict, based solely on plant products. This may fail to include essential nutrients such as vitamin B12, iron and zinc.

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