
Selasa, 12 April 2016

11 foods that will give satiety

To lose those extra kilos is not necessary for you to submit to diets that you "kill hunger". You will find in this note, the most effective foods to avoid being left with an appetite after eating.

Own overweight? Do not count calories, chose foods that help you feel satisfied, this will make you eat less.

Not to eat more, we have two nerve centers that are in our brain. One is the focus of the anxiety and the other is the appetite, working simultaneously depending on the information received either digestive or hormonal system.

The satiety center is activated after 15 or 20 minutes after eating the first bite. If you eat fast, you will not give time to satiety center that is activated. Hence the importance of eating slowly and chew food well.

Hence also the importance of not skipping meals, that is not the center of active anxiety ahead of schedule.

So, if you want to lose weight, it is not only important to decide to start a path that leads you to lose weight, but also follow the right way to choose foods and ways to correct cooking to help you to feel sated and you can step step lose weight and preserve your health.

What foods to choose

1 - fresh infusion skim milk instead of low-fat yogurt. It is better to choose yogurt, because by choosing it will form a hard clot in your stomach that help prolong satiety. 2 glasses per day.

2 - Compact lean cheese instead of cheese spread. The new trend of the Mediterranean pyramid is to eat 2 times a week cheeses. However, consider the choice of compact rather than spreadable.

3 - Hard boiled egg. Every day you can eat 1 egg. Scientific studies have shown that the egg is not the cause of elevated blood cholesterol. You have to pay attention to other foods that will surely promote their increase (processed foods) also is known that the increased production of blood cholesterol is based on endogenous production.

Use it as between food or mixed with vegetables mostly raw in salad.

If you use egg preparations, the degree of satiety depends on how you combine. If for example you consume potato omelette with onions, chili pepper and spinach, satiate best done in the form of pudding or souffle as they are very white preparations; and if it is beaten egg whites they make it easily digestible preparation.

4 - Whole chopped meats. Red (I chose lean) provide a high satiety long as there is in preparations like meat loaves or burgers. Red meat you can include it in your weekly menu 2 times per week; and the rest of the week, lean white meat (skinless chicken, oily fish such as mackerel, tuna, pork Carree and other lean meats), not Diced, whole, accompanied by salad all colors.

5 - Complex carbohydrates: potatoes, boiled and cold potato salad. If incluis puree can happen two things: first, to eat more amount than you should, because the amount when making the puree is reduced, and secondly, spicing provide more fat and energy density ( oil, butter albeit light). Within this food group, you are the choclo (preferably be fresh, not canned) and whole grains, which should be al dente cooking. Cereals: rice, oats, wheat, bulgur, barley, corn (whole, refined and processed), quinoa, etc. Choose whole by their greater intake of vitamins and minerals.

Rice and pearled barley have betaglutanos, soluble fiber slows absorption. The more you cook the cereal, the less time will remain in your stomach and give you less satiety.

thick pasta or dried noodles. suitably choosing pasta are an excellent resource to be mixed with 1 soup dish of raw vegetables and / or steamed. Cooking should be al dente.

6 - Whole-grain breads unroasted. They provide more nutrients and give greater satiety.

7 - Legumes. They are an excellent resource for use in weekly menus provide a high satiety value, if not more and cook the mixture with vegetables of all colors. Replace meat in iron intake, however it is included in this foods rich in vitamin C food such as chili peppers, or 1 or 1 kiwi citrus.

8 - Raw vegetables mainly. If you choose cooked are more digestible and will spend less time in your stomach.

9 - Raw fruits. Choose raw, shell, prioritize those which require mastication. The unripe banana is an excellent resource to send forth daily, provides satiety and not fattening as many believe. Comparing 1 banana girl 1 medium apple, it is equal in their caloric intake but you will get greater satiety choosing the unripe banana.

consider that canned fruits, because of the process, lose the ability to satiety that has the natural fruit, and the digestibility and the amount of vitamins and minerals.

Consumilas whole shell, and chose the most watery and with a higher proportion of fiber content (eg orange, tangerine, etc.).

Avoid juices, smoothies, purees and crushed fruit preparations.

Fruits that give more satiety are melon, watermelon, strawberries. Cherries are rich in soluble and insoluble fiber and have a good satiety value. If you take away the pits and then entering many will verify weights 100 g.

The grape has more fiber, but when you choose not ingest more than 20 units. Another good resource is consuming a handful of raisins.

Examples to replace: 16 raisins banana = 100 g (1 unit girl), or 4 dates, figs or 2 medium.

10 - Dried fruits. Excellent resource if you're controlled consumption. Almond, hazelnut, chestnut, walnut, peanut, consumed in moderate amounts are not fattening.

11 - cayenne pepper. If consumed regularly, certainly it contributes to increase metabolic rate by 25% more than normal, hence its efficiency to achieve efficient weight loss. It also gives satiety.

To lose weight is not necessary for you to submit to diets, not torture yourself. Learn how to choose foods and preparation methods appropriate to prolong satiety. Unhurried and prioritizing your mind and body.

And even if you did not include physical activity, Start to pay attention to all the benefits you can give your health.

You will improve the quality of life with adequate food, including aerobic physical activity (at least half an hour daily) and encouraging thoughts to help you move towards a lasting result over time.

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