
Selasa, 12 April 2016

10 Keys to stabilize our metabolism

How exactly our metabolism and what steps to take to ingested food be used depending on our health. Tips to accelerate the process and combat the accumulation of fat.

Many health problems begin with the altered metabolism and only up to us to keep it stable. The guidelines are simple and must implement them since childhood.

Is our metabolism is always the same? Of course not, this can be altered by several factors, including failure to implement and sustain over time not good eating habits. Improving a metabolic disease or cluster depends largely a significant decrease in weight or eating patterns include moderately.

To understand a little more the functioning of our body we must go back to 1962 when the saver or selfish gene was discovered, so called because since the time prehistory of the human organism is dedicated to saving fat as energy to spend. The activation of this gene may simply give inheritance or an episode of severe stress or depression.

It is vital to instill in our children early habit of physical activity, providing a rich and good nutrition, and teach them to occupy their minds with activities that provide high doses of endorphins

By the time the body stores as fat reserves begin efforts thyroid and pancreas, and the liver is filled with fat by increasing renal function and accumulating fat in the arteries; It is leading to increased triglycerides and total cholesterol and a decrease in HDL (high density lipoprotein or good cholesterol).

Therefore it is vital to instill in our children early habit of physical activity, providing a rich and good nutrition, and teach them to occupy their minds with activities that provide high doses of endorphins that give them pleasure not to channel their anxieties with food or other addictions.

During breakfast and lunch metabolism it is at its best. Is the ideal food to try to enter time in other times could restrict

In addition, to preserve our stable metabolism is important to organize eating habits based on the circadian cycle. Our main biological clock in the brain and is a group of neurons that is adjusted by the sunlight that reaches our retina and transmit information to regulate our circadian cycle.

There are also biological clocks in other organs such as the lung, heart, liver, kidney and pancreas; although all are synchronized by this group of neurons for our cells respond to a pattern of 24 hours.

During breakfast and lunch our metabolism is at its best, spending almost all our intakes for energy and capturing everything you type to absorb it, not knowing what is being spent. It is the ideal food to try to enter in other times might restrict time.

By contrast, during snack and dinner it is entering metabolism at rest and absorb as much fat intake saving it as reserve. Everything that we do not give our bodies before saving recognize as a reserve, it will ask at this time and take us to alter metabolism.

We must never forget that preserve our stable metabolism is what gives us general welfare.

Keys to speed up metabolism

1 - Good night's sleep not only in hours but in quality.

2 - Create and sustain over time good eating habits.

3 - Perform daily interleaved aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

4 - Knowing how to choose the food needed for good nutrition.

5 - Never choose foods to eat according to your calories.

6 - To know the time of day in which to incorporate each food.

7 - Having a strict control of food portions to eat.

8 - Make recreational activities for the mind and body.

9 - Maintaining good oral hydration.

10 - Keep in mind that good physical health helps to have good mental health.

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