
Kamis, 14 April 2016

How to Make Homemade whole wheat pasta

How to Make Homemade whole wheat pasta
A light recipe to make your own grain spaghetti
The whole wheat pasta is perfect for those who have no problem in eating moderately, but taking advantage of the benefits that is much lighter and more properties version. Simply follow the recipe and prepare it at home.

wheat pasta
Fortunately, recent times are beginning to banish the myth that you can not eat pasta on a diet to lose weight. It is clear, if you eat lots of it, if you opt for stuffed pasta, if you accompany with heavy, full of fat, cheese and other ingredients not so suitable for a regime, sauces is clear that the pasta will make you fat.

But there are always variants: eat them in moderation (portions of about 50-70 grams of dry pasta), accompany them with light sauces or vegetables and always opt for whole grains. While we do not have many calories less, the full version will bring you another kind of nutrients, fiber and all you really have the grain. He begins to leave aside increasingly refined flours and learn to make your own whole wheat pasta at home.


300g wholemeal flour
150 grams of flour 0000
Two egg whites
30 ml water
Sea salt

As in all recipes with these features, placed on the one hand dry and liquid on the other. Place whole wheat flour and 0000 in a bowl and mix. In another, place the egg whites, water and a pinch of salt. Begins to mix both preparations always kneaded with flour by hand, so as not to not miss a touch more if necessary.

Once the crust is smooth, silky, does not stick in your hands and is wrapped in plastic wrap or in a plastic bag, you let it sit for about an hour. If you have any kneader and pasta cutter, work from there will be a lot easier. Otherwise, you must stretch the dough as thin as possible, without breaking, then cut spaghetti desired width.

Upon boiling, as usual, in boiling salted water until ready. Then accompany it with a tomato sauce rather light and even even with a light tuna sauce, if you want something meatier, but also light.

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