
Senin, 11 April 2016

Is it hard to lose weight? This could be the reason!

The key to losing weight efficiently is perhaps figure out what kind of person you are
Is it hard to lose weight? This could be the reason!

Some people who are dieting need rules to follow, while others need only a general guide. What works for one is usually a disaster for the other. The most underrated fat loss and diets succeed in deciphering aspect is the type of person you are and stick to it.

1. People who need rules, also known as 'abstainers'. There is a certain level of freedom that exists to be restricted because these people know they can live within the rules.

They prefer generallmente rules in all aspects of life. They like to have a schedule, a plan to which you can stick with and do not do well without him. You can give this kind of person, as any specific rule to monitor calories, macronutrients, hours of intermittent fasting, etc- and have no problem with sticking to the rules. They live by the rules. When they are told to these people who leave the plan or they improvise, not going very well.

This can be for different reasons, but usually because these people have a Type A personality, who do well or do not, then when they leave the plan, really plan out everything.

Therefore, when they commit to something, they do it completely. Abstainers are generally much stricter during periods of diet and relax completely during rest days.

2. People who prefer freedom, also known as 'moderators'. Free people who are dieting, typically fare well following a general guide rather than firm rules. Instead of giving a specific macro moderator or a calorie recommendation, you can tell them to eat fewer carbohydrates and have no problem eliminating them from your diet.

These people may cause them stress having fixed rules, which can result in tension and a sense of limitation, in the context of a diet could lead to unpleasant periods of binge eating.

Instead of sticking to the rules, moderators appreciate stay 'free' throughout the week. They are able to have just a glass of wine at dinner, or eat only a slice of cake.

They are not as strict with themselves during the week, but also avoid the days off from your diet because it is easier to balance it as well.

What kind are you?

Deciphering the kind of person you are to make a diet requires intense examination of conscience because probably tell you a lot about the kind of person you are around.

Gretchen Rubin, author of the bestselling New York Times, has also written extensively on this subject. She has an online test to decipher what kind of person you are.

Although the test will not tell you specifically what kind of person you are to follow a diet, you can tell if you're a teetotaler or a moderator, and that answer is enough to figure out how you can plan your weight loss.

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