
Senin, 04 April 2016

Gym without makeup: Here are some tips

Without a word, go to the gym without makeup, we know very well that for women, the gym is the showcase and we must look stunning. But alert! serious mistake, conceptually we would be very bad, because walking is not going to the gym to show off how well we are not, we are going there to look good and to feel better. Makeup stays home, the facial skin to breathe, transpire without obstacles, strengthened and no intoxication.

expert opinions

Several dermatologists consulted on the matter, supported our premise of going to the gym without makeup, holding that the right thing is to let the skin breathe and pores, leaving the body to focus on the exercises you perform. Remember that work in the gym goes beyond muscle tone, burning calories and fat, not just about that, the exercise detoxifies us, the special way of breathing during sessions, loss and replacement electrolyte and many other beneficial factors, well worth sacrificing a little flirtation in order to be able to wear it at its best when it is time. Topped saying that rising temperature when exercising and logic perspiration, do not get along with a hidden under layers of makeup skin.

Finally there is an additional risk and very unpleasant not worth taking, and that the train is made up, increases the possibility of the appearance of pimples and blackheads on her face. It is not necessarily going to happen, but the risks are increased to levels where it is preferable to get to the gym, with clean face as freshly bathed. Ah! Speaking of showers, do not forget the cold water bath before leaving the gym, muscle prevents overheating and helps firm the skin of body and face.

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