
Minggu, 10 April 2016

What use magnesium

It is the fifth in quantity mineral in the body: 60 percent is in the bones, 28 percent in muscles and organs and the rest in body fluids. Exerts a mild sedative which relaxes muscles and balances the central nervous system.


    It is an element of the structure of bone, teeth and many enzymes.
    It is essential for normal functioning of cells and necessary for cell division.
    Helps fix calcium in bones. Involved in the movements of contraction and relaxation of muscles.
    Balances the central nervous system and is involved in nervous excitability and transmission of nerve impulses.
    It is necessary so that it can be completed normally carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.
    Improved tachycardias and spasms.
    It promotes good digestion of fats and waste disposal.
    Balances blood pressure.
    Prevents formation of gallstones and kidney.


    Magnesium deficiency may be due to an unbalanced diet, decrease the absorbency, or excessive urine loss. Alcoholics or people with diuretics treatments can have it.

    What happens if you miss? vasodilation occurs, with redness of the skin and fall in blood pressure. the permeability of the cell membrane is altered and, if severe and prolonged, may result in death.

It helps prevent and overcome anorexia.
Combat stunting.
Frena weakness of the muscles of the body.
Just with irritability and other mental disorders.
Cure certain hormonal disorders and cardiac disorders.
Prevents allergic manifestations such as bronchial asthma.
Improves hypertension in pregnancy.
Prevents breast cancer.

Foods containing

    Properties: they energize, tone, exert a sedative action and are antioxidants.
    Good for people under great physical and / or mental, underweight or hypertensive.
    Calories per 100 g .: 620 kcal.
    Learn more: the bitter has hydrocyanic acid, which can cause respiratory paralysis.


    Properties: rich in protein, fat, cholesterol and iron. It contains vitamins A, D, B2, B3, B6 and B12.
    Good for weight control and heart patients.
    Calories per 100 g .: 209 kcal.
    Learn more: containing proteins are digested easily.

Integral rice

    Properties: rich in iron, carbohydrates and vitamins B. Energy, diuretic and cleanser.
    Good for regulating pressure and cholesterol, promote growth and tissue rejuvenation.
    Calories per 100 g .: 350 kcal.
    Learn More: needs more water and cook than white.


    Properties: rich in protein. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, but also lots of cholesterol.
    Good for anemic, for its richness in iron and vitamin B12.
    Calories per 100 g .: 50 kcal.
    Learn more: should avoid people with uric acid.

Green peas

    Properties: rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus. They contain vitamins B and C.
    Good for heart and nervous system anemic patients.
    Calories per 100 g .: 317 kcal.
    Learn more: it is an antioxidant, remineralizing, restorative, energy and anti-cancer.


    Properties: rich in minerals and vitamin B6.
    Plant contains two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble.
    Good for people with severe physical or intellectual wear, lower cholesterol, gout and diarrhea.
    Calories per 100 g .: 90 kcal.
    Learn more: the interior trickles contain minerals.

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