
Selasa, 05 April 2016

Lemon water for weight loss 4

We're on the fourth day of the Diet Lemon !.

It seemed impossible but we have already reached the fourth. What it does not cost so much? Do you know why? Because with this diet you eat, do not go hungry and also hydration plays a very important role.

Today we have a new target.
Aim of the fourth day of the lemon diet: less sugar, more carbohydrates.

We recommend currently taking low-sugar foods. But do you know why?

Sugar stimulates insulin production and this leads to increased appetite and greater desire to take energy dense foods such as chocolate, biscuits and sweets.

It also promotes the storage of fat and causes the liver to work harder, which disrupts the digestive process.


If we suddenly an uncontrollable desire to sugar- sometimes the body tells us that we need this extra contribution of energy-is best taken from foods with carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (GI) they are like a slice of whole wheat bread , rice cakes or oatmeal cookies.

Remember that many foods sold in packages like cookies, for example produce the same effect as sugar in the body, so we should avoid them like the plague.

The fruits also have high doses of sugar, if any is fructose, a natural sugar is assimilated better. So today we will replace part of the fruit by other foods with a low glycemic index and high in fiber, such as walnuts, almonds or pipes to minimize the effects of sugar.

As sweeteners, for those who love the sweet, we will use maple syrup or honey. They may contain more calories, but are healthier.

Menu Fourth day diet lemon.

Nothing to get up: drink lemon juice and hot water.


    1 banana smoothie (do a mixture of 300 ml of soy milk 1 plain yogurt, 2 small bananas and a teaspoon of raisins)
    2 slices of whole wheat toast with a thin spread of butter

Half Morning

    A handful of pipes and nuts.


    A large bowl of vegetables or beans.
    A large salad to bring: a pinch of grated cheese, a pear, a can of chickpeas, sprinkled with lemon, some salt and garlic.


    Humus home: chickpeas with lemon wholemeal pasta drizzled with garlic.


    A stuffed pepper. For the filling: Mix 4 tablespoons brown basmati rice, 2 tablespoons pine nuts, chopped onions, cherry tomatoes and feta cheese (60g) all together. Stings a pepper in half, fill it with the mixture and take it with a large portion of steamed vegetables.
    Dessert baked apple sprinkled with cinnamon and a drizzle of maple syrup.

Ready to the fifth day of the lemon diet? Do not miss the menu tomorrow!
You can toggle the food for dinner

On page All About Diets have all the information concerning diets: how to make them, their effects, diets for all, etc. Do not miss it!

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